Is there such a thing as an apolitical game set in the real world?

Is there such a thing as an apolitical game set in the real world?

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Hearts of Iron 4 is pretty great if you pirate the DLC with creamapi

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Spiderman 3's video game adaptation.

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how's that apolitical it straight up denies the Holocaust

Why is being factual not apolitical?

isn't that the one where Peter becomes Chad ? seems political 2 me

based peppy hair tribute

There is nothing political about being an admirable human being. Also I wouldn't call Peter a Chad. He was more of an inbetween of Chad and edgelord.

its political because it exposes the social distance between the extroverted assholes and the rest of us
The fact we disagree on this proves it's political

No game is apolitical. Not because creators design every game with a political message in mind, but because there will always be some pseudo-intellectual faggot that writes an entire article about the """hidden""" messages in every fucking game.

Nope, not anymore

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the fact that there's disagreement makes this a political statement

There's disagreement on whether or not the earth is flat

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Yes, and thusly saying the earth is or isn't flat IS a politicial statement, doesn't matter how popular the statement is


Then any statement is a political statement

I disagree. Therefore your statement is political.

I'll see you in bird court

Any statement that isn't a mathematical equation yeah

>stone toss
for real though, when I went to the UK the Curry was the best food there. The English food was shit, this was especially embarrassing because I came from a mining town know for it's Cornish pasties. I was really excited for good pasties, and was so fucking sorely disappointed.

They're only political when they have politics I don't like.

Any statement can be political.

You, however, can't say every statement is political because that's tautology.

It's way easier to make good curry than make some of those pies good.

British food is fucking awful their only good food is one they stole from abroad and put their own spin on, the spin is usually for the worse but makes it much easier to prepare at home.
Only exception I can think of is pork pie and pork scratchings but I'm a fatass

Curry -is- british food. most of the 'classics' were invented here. actual indian curries are way different

Detached viewpoint>apolitical. Having politics in games is okay as long as the devs and writers are framing the player to be an observer, and not a propaganda recipient


Really? They're supposed to be spicier I assume.

What the fuck does this retarded brand think politics are?

British cuisine isn't exactly world renown. Their colonies actually experiment and tried with new culinary arts.

That's what I said, British curry is Indian curry with a British spin that makes it taste slightly worse (subjective obviously) but easier to prepare and more substantial as a meal

>serving beer on a mug and not a pint
You had one job with your shitty webcomic, you retard.

>protagonist can't have their own thoughts

anything you'd get in a pub (ie not an indian restuarant, and even then) would be something like a masala, korma or madras, which are fusions invented here by immigrants. baltis were invented in birmingham in the 70s

>Being so coked up on ideology that you allow politics to pervade every aspect of your existence
I seriously hope you guys don't do this, take care of your mental health.

Not what I'm saying

Leftists are genetically incapable of understanding non-political or apolitical. They are evil. They are all religious zealots, hence they cannot seperate politics from life, and what's scarier is that what they don't actually care about real politics. Legitimate political topics bore them, even disgusts the average leftists. What they want is political orthodoxy. Again, they are religious zealots.

So a leftists says something retarded like "They're only political when they have politics I don't like." like its mockworthy, except its not, normal people should never want your leftist poliitcal orthodoxy. They have a right to expell leftist thought, because it isn't political.

Don't be such a piece of shit that everything is inherently political. For fuck sakes, leftists are so evil because of this belief, that George orwell wrote how this belief in 1984, why the most evil characters are the people who hold this belief, why the state holds this belief, and why the biggest revelation the book was Winston learning he can construct a nonpolitical setence that was by itself beautiful, because leftists at the time thought even language itself was inherently political, that language can be fascist and must be corrected. Dangerous fucking thinking.

The lack of self-awareness in this shit is fucking impressive.

>LITERALLY "it's only political if it's politics I don't like"

Polniggers think theres a network of trannies out there to harass them or something.

George Orwell was a leftist.

It sounds like you have a comparable complex.

He was social-democrat, he was 100% anti Stalin bullshit.

>author of some of the most well know critique of communism
do leftists seriously come out of 1984 thinking it was supposed to be a utopia? wow, that's a new low

Who wrote numerous critiques of leftism.

good post

Why do you talk about things you don't know shit about?

Orwell was a leftist, he fought in the Spanish civil war for the socialists. He was however critical of many aspects of communism which is where animal farm and 1984 come from

>make up a good plot for a video game that doesn't deal with American politics
>plop it in a real world city
Was that so hard?

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>he fought in the Spanish civil war for the socialists
>what are half-truths