Why was Tifa wearing a wedding ring during Advent Children did she and Cloud get married?
Why was Tifa wearing a wedding ring during Advent Children did she and Cloud get married?
Most likely
No, but they did move in together. However, Cloud started suffering from survivors guilt and PTSD because he thought he was responsible for GeoStigma, so he started roaming around doing his investigator thing and stopped answering her calls.
that's her right hand though
that makes a difference?
why are niggers black?
engagement ring = left hand
wedding ring = right hand
i dunno
The left hand is closest to the heart hence the ring should go on the left hand
No. Engagement rings and wedding rings go on the same fucking finger. Who the fuck raised you?
what do you think
>Engagement rings and wedding rings
a gay couple
They're not even being subtle about it
>Tifa on top
>Cloud on bottom
Cloud is always the bottom
cloud is a virgin so the man might need some help
Since when did it matter what hand the ring goes on
>cloud is a virgin
Zack doesn't count now?
but tifa is a virgin too
~2000+ years. It dates back to a Roman tradition.
Uh, Barret?
Let me put it to you like this. If you see a woman at a bar and she has a ring on her right ring finger, it's a mistake to assume she's married. If you see a woman at a bar and she has a ring on her left ring finger, it's a mistake to assume she's single. Not that you fuckers talk to women in the first place so maybe this explanation doesn't help.
Well then they can rob each other of their purity.
Fuck off you faggot piece of shit dick punch loser.
Shits like you are why we can't portray close male friendships in media anymore. Sub-human retards ruin it with their gay pandering shit.
havent heard about them for a while, how is old Caesar these days? has he conquered the world yet?
Probably. But only because Cloud could not marry the woman he wanted.
Of course they arent gay
It isn't gay if its your clone innit?
Do Americans really do this?
Every culture in the world that has wedding rings does it with few exceptions. The cultures that don't do it? THE RETARDED ones that think the left hand is unlucky.
I should rewatch Advent Children. It has been almost 15 years since I watched it, I used to have a DVD of it but it got lost who knows how long ago.
I just can't see it.
Tifa would need to be the aggressive one seeking it out and even if she wanted it she thought about it she wouldn't go after it.
Barret just isn't that sterotypical "Nigger man has dick, must put it in every hole" type a guy. Just strikes me as the type who still feels so guilty over failing his beloved wife that he doesn't even bother with women anymore, and dumps whatever genuine love is left into Marlene, the only remnant of his past happy life he has.
Of course he also realizes that Marlene is a girl and needs a solid mother figure, which is probably why he always leaves her with Tifa. Jessie may be a good friend but she's also an absolute thot and a bad influence while Tifa is a sweetheart that'll steer Marlene right.
A lot of women will also continue to have both rings on even after marriage, or have them fused together.
They've even started making rings designed with this in mind, where the engagement ring and wedding ring interlock with each other to form one complete ring later. Although those are usually special order deals
weird looking foot
>no classic outfit and hair
they evolved in africa, which is really sunny. Melanin-rich skin is better at coping with sunlight exposure than light skin