Are you excited for FF16?

> Female protagonist
> No realism, traditional fantasy
> FF14 Expansion developers
> FF12 Gameplay designer

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No, not after ff7r

>Female Protagonist

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Setting up runtimes for your group isn't gameplay user.

Better than stupid AI.

If that's all true, and they keep Nomura out of it, then I might check it out.

> No realism, traditional fantasy

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>Female protagonist
>FF12 Gameplay designer
Gonna be an uphill battle getting me invested.

>> Female protagonist
Fine. VI is my all time favorite FF.
>> No realism, traditional fantasy
>> FF14 Expansion developers
>> FF12 Gameplay designer
MMOs in my single player RPG? Fuck outta here!

> Implying XIV doesn't have hot female characters.
FF16 will be set in the same universe as XIV, and you are retarded if you think otherwise

Plz, let the protagonist be the girl from FF6 and please don't put a cool girl like lightning anything she was bland af

>tfw we won't get ff16 until AT LEAST 2027 because Nomura's fucking around with 7R

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i take 14 combat over 12 shitty system anyday

>Nomura is occupied until 2027 and won't be able to hurt anymore games

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Have you guys not played 13? I had to control Lightning instead of Snow because the AI was just too stupid to handle magic, buffs ans debuffs.
The game having a chance of you setting up the AI as you please is a gift.

>he doesn't know
You'll be missing out.

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Please. You know that right after this is done he is pushing his Verum Rex not!Versus 13 bullshit. We won't be seeing FF16 until at least the next decade

>traditional fantasy
Traditional fantasy, or traditional Final Fantasy fantasy, because there are important differences.

You know the answer

no, almost all new games are complete shit

> Implying XIV doesn't have hot female characters.

Literally only Ryne.

>> Female protagonist

Dropped, there are enough fags and trannies trying to ruin FF14 already.

>female protagonist

No way fag. A badass, stoic male protagonist with hot/cute female party members sounds much better.

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What engine are they using?
I hope the keep improving and using Luminous Studio cus after FFVIIR's UE4 left this bad taste in my mouth I started appreciating more what they were doing with it on FFXV.
Also liked FF12's combat system. With Rpg's I find the micro-management and turn based to be much more fun and engaging than mindlessly mashing the attack button for hours.
For story I'm open to basically anything but I hope the focus isn't entirely on politics like FF12. I liked a lot of things about FF12 but its story was an absolute borefest.

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>> FF14 Expansion developers
All hope of quality is lost already.
> FF12 Gameplay designer
A talented dog can't show his tricks when the one holding the lead is a restrictive tosspot. This doesn't mean much.

I hate women and minorities, no thanks

at least post the actual protagonist instead of that furshit

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> Female protagonist
I care about character not gender
> No realism, traditional fantasy
There have been bad fantasy based Final Fantasys, I care more about the end result
> FF14 Expansion developers
This doesn't mean all that much, Team Silent makes a good survival horror game, but that doesn't mean they'd make a good strategy game, MMO =/= RPGs
> FF12 Gameplay designer
FFXII is an ok starting point, but not the best template

>Female protagonist
Man just give us fucking custom characters

Most of the team working on XIV did XII.

No. After XV and VIIR I'm fully convinced Final Fantasy will never be good again.

>custom characters
>final fantasy
This aint the series for you, retard.

Will it have non-human characters? Not even a furfag, I just like beasts and robots in my party.

Yet here you are in a thread speculating about the next installment.

Yoshida is supposed to be in charge of this one.
The man is the king or playing it safe and predictable.
If he was in charge of FFVII everyone would gave complained that the game was so utterly faithful to the original with no deviations that it was pointless to even make.

If he's on FFXVI you'd be getting all of those FF staples, but it'll all feel very sterile and by the numbers. Everything in it's place and a place for every thing, but with zero new innovations and maybe several steps backwards.

Wrong. We’re going back to Ivalice.

OP asked me a question, and I answered. FF is a total shitshow now, and I've moved on to DQ, because at least that is a series which delivers quality with every game.

You can't seriously believe that. They have more than one team, you know that right? I wouldn't be surprised if the next two or however many more parts of FF7 are used to pad out the time between mainline games.

Yeah I know, FF games suck ass and they always have

Good. There's no point in trying to be innovative if you suck at it. Not every game needs to be the next Mario 64. Dragon Quest does what it works and is consistently better than Final Fantasy.