Literally Impossible

>dude, what if we gave Cloud elventy million second start-up time for all of his abilities
>dude, what if Cloud can be interrupted out of FUCKING EVERYTHING, INCLUDING LIMIT BREAKS
>dude, what if you have to be level 45 to fucking beat this stupid fucking boss, because clearly I'm underleveled
>dude what if we make the player watch eleventy million cutscenes during and before the fight, and only the initial cutscene is skippable (Nips haven't learned anything in 23 goddamned years)
>dude, what if we forbade players from swapping out materia during battles, which means the first fight of every encounter is always trial and error nonsense
>dude what if implemented a dodge button, but the dodge button is FUCKING WORTHLESS, with RETARDEDLY STRICT TIMING TO NOT GET BY SHIT LIKE THUNDERBOLT
This boss fight is total cancer. Seems to be a pattern with the Shinra guys thus far.

Attached: ff7-rufus.jpg (1280x720, 77.38K)

>block to build up ATB
>Triple Slash until dog leaves
>Braver twice when Rufus reloads

This game really is filtering brainlets.

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just make him trip on his skirt

>dude, just block and be yourself!
Yeah, how does that pounce move from Darkstar work out for you? You can't just block willy and nilly against them

git gud

He can't interrupt limit breaks, though. I beat him with climhazzard when I he got to low health because I didn't want to go through the whole process of waiting for a reload to do chip damage.


>just beat him lol
holy fuck Yas Forums is fucking cancer nowadays

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bait thread post sneed.

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The thing is that he only ever reloads after firing at you a bunch. the problem is that regardless a lot of times if you're guarding, you're going to be staggered or too far away from him to do anything during the reload.

>Describes a method for combating him
>rebuttal is an attempt to trivialize his description back to nothing
I know the other guys said git gud, but come on. The boss was a little bit of a difficulty spike, but I have run into MUCH worse many many times. Dont get mad at the game cause the game expects you to learn to play the game. If a Fortnite playing 12 year old hopped into Starcraft Brood War and said "these fights are total cancer" I would think the same thing about him that I do you. Learn to play the game you fucking idiot. It's really not even that complex.

Counterstance literally cuts his life down by at least 20%

brainlet op. Ever thought of using simple magic before going in for free hits?

the catch here is that the vulnerability window for Reload is MUCH larger than you think, if you're close enough you can still smack him after getting up

Assess even hints at using Braver. OP is a fucking dumbass.

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the stupid belts ruined his outfit completely

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I like how the suggestion of making him trip on his skirt was a joke and you took it seriously like a faggot

Most people here are acting like fags but you are right. Fuck this fight

beat it my 2nd try

Yes. He can. Stupid fucking nigger. I just witnessed it now after trying to limit break the damn dog

they interrupt my blizzaga every time. It's like you guys didn't read the OP at all. retards

I beat him with a limit break. What the fuck are you talking about?

lol cmon OP

Why the fuck are you using ice, when that motherfucker literally has to wait to explode. Use FIRAGA like a real chad

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What move did he do? I'm genuinely curious as I have also never been interrupted out of a limit break

I'm guessing you were level 50 and beat him in one shot with said limit break? Otherwise, this ain't helpful at all. All these fucking shitposts that are completely sans helpful advice. No wonder Yas Forums is dead and the discord trannies are taking over. I bet even reddit discusses games more than you do now

Read the post again nigger, he is INTERRUPTING ME before I Can even cast the fucking spell. Because some dumb soulless Nip took the KH complaints a bit too far and decided that Blizzaga should have 20 second start up time and is interruptable. In a fucking combat system where you need ATB to do fucking anything

I hate Yas Forums so much. I’m going to keep this post in mind they try to claim Yas Forums is worse.

I'm not op. I'm also stuck on the fight

I had 900HP, was about to finish off NegroStar with Ascension, then Rufus the faggy dufus had to go and just one shot the rest of my health. What is even the point of limit breaks when you just trade damage using them?

nigga i beat him with simple fire it's not even hard