
>"not really"

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chat in games is such a boomer thing
everyone's just on their discord nowadays
game chat is DEAD

I wanna fuck that flatty.


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stopped reading here

stopped there


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stopped reading there

Plus people are so fucking hypersensitive to everything that even if you do compliment somebody they'll immediately get defensive and assume you were being sarcastic.

because you are

began reading there
stopped reading there


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because at least 7/10 times people are actually being sarcastic

Talking shit is a waste of time.


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Stopped reading there

Every time. No matter how the match went.

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it's just polite

The fact that game chat is dead sucks.
I've gotta say I hate the whole insularity that's come up.
>I just use Discord
>randos aren't worth interacting with
Like anyone who plays a multiplayer game is that superior to anyone else. Ignore faggots, be chill with decent people. In-game chat dying out sucks and is a big part of why I haven't bothered with multiplayer for awhile. If everything's on Discord, I guess I'll just miss out on it.

And that's how it should be

If every game is 'gg' then no game is 'gg'.

If the match is played to completion, it's a good game

>I say gg. But it wasn't gg. It was bg.

Why would you gg every time? Only gg when you were put to a challenge or you actually had fun.

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I maintain nonetheless that yin-yang dualism can be overcome. With sufficient enlightenment we can give substance to any distinction: mind without body, north without south, pleasure without pain. Remember, enlightenment is a function of willpower, not of physical strength.

Chairman Sheng-ji Yang, "Essays on Mind and Matter


To be honest, I only do it in a specific game
Part of it is that it facilitates it well

Why would you play if you didn't have fun, Anonymous?
You're not the kind of gratuitous person who would willingly subject themselves to something they don't enjoy, are you?

Fair enough.
When you play games with people and there's a large skill gap, there's going to be a degree of routine about it. Making the congratulatory 'gg' a routine cheapens it, imo.

>fuck off

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At least he's honest.

don't do that familia, is no kinder bueno esse

nah, i was insulting mexicans in no more room in hell the other day
twas fun


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