What do they taste like?
What do they taste like?
like your moms pussy
Raw turkey and toe nails
cunny :3
Are gonomes canon?
Also what were they latching onto before they encountered humans?
Who is he calling?
Sandy coins and salty milk.
Idk, Russel had one in his fridge and Vortigaunts eat them like it's chicken.
Did laidlaw write opposing force maybe they didnt know what gman was yet
his uber
Gman smiles at the end of his call.
>activate technological unemployment
His employers.
He activated the portal?
>Poison and fast headcrabs engineered by combine
Is that actually canon? I don't recall ever seeing that confirmed in-game.
It makes sense
The combine already genetically or cyberneticly modify various alien and even earth species for various purposes
They already launch them in canisters why not make them more dangerous
Gee, idk
This. It obviously tastes like head.
Headcrabs dont live underwater or have a hard shell
like my mom's pussy
Was that a picture of a real guy or a pre rendered model
He moves a bit in more recent intros so I'm wondering if they got the same guy to do more or hes just prerendered
They sure dont taste like crab
Real guy. They just picked a random man off the street and took a picture of him.
What about him turning his head slightly
Just photo manipulation?
Serious answer: they probably taste like pork. I assume different parts of the headcrab also have very different textures. Its legs, being bony and full of tendons are probably like the lower part of a chicken's legs. Its mid-part is likely rich in fat, while its jaw muscle (ie: the ring of muscle that is inside of it) is probably like that of the tentacles of an octopus or squid, if you ever ate one, it's firm but elastic at the same time.
He looks like tyler1
Filmed as well