Worst Girl Thread

>Game has tons of waifus
>MC canonically gets with worst girl
Which game is it for you Yas Forums?

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Charmcaster was the clear best choice

>Final Fantasy 7 and 8
>Every Fire Emblem game outside of Fates and Awakening
>Kingdom Hearts

i thought he was fucking an asian chick? what happened, i stopped watching partway into ultimate alien

Who was the best girl in ben 10 them? Don't say gwen either because that makes no sense in the context of Ben's endgame

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Why did they cuck Ben out of that asian chick?

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>watching Ben 10 past Alien Force
You deserve your disappointment.

Anyways I would say this takes the cake since the second half of the game was about it.

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Was Ben a good person?

He got cucked by a frenchman then ben went to fuck that pink alien bitch then he cucked her

I think they just said she radda radda'd off screen.
UA was good too, I rewatched the whole series recently to rewatch alien force but UA actually had some really good moments.
When the writers felt like he should be, unless they needed another "Ben's a jerk" arc.

Assassin Creed Odyssey, THE WHORE LOOKS HIDEOUS, and worst part is I can't even be gay, Neema looks likea muslim piece of shit about to blow up any second

The base game had some pretty girls, the niggress was fine, Kira was HELLA fine, and i'm forced with a muslim whore? And if I want to begay I can't even have Natakas, he's such a cutie pie and totally a bottom for my macho alexios.

People don't even make mods, it bothers me a lot, same with Fable 3, I wish I had Elliot instead of Elise, I hate SJW but I totally understand when they complain about heteronormativity

>Ben's endgame
She's his cousin user. What's the issue?

I forget how young most of the posters on Yas Forums are these days, that they reminisce about fucking ben 10. Soon we will have unironic paw patrol posters.

Oops forgot picture, my beautiful Natakas... and that whore Neema, god I wish she had breast cancer and died.

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And Gwen?

Kinocest is only kino if it's between a brother and a sister.

Same with Until Dawn, Mark is the clear protagonist, he's got the most screen time and his whole section of the game is basically Uncharted but better, yet he ends up with Jessica? Like, of course, he fucking rescues her, Emily is a bitch sure, but god he was meant to be with Sam, KISS THE GIRL MARK, fuck her right in front of the wendigos.

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>expect Charmcaster to actually chill out and become an antihero and rival to Gwen
>she becomes even more batshit insane than before
>it is Hex the one who settles down and becomes a professor

I really didn't expect that at all.

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I'll be forever salty with this.

THAT REDHEAD BITCH DIDN'T DO SHIT, she was invisible to the story, the ching chong was perfect, YET SHE DIES? I'm not gonna say I hated her death, it was perfectly done, it shocked the shit out of me, but ugh, I can see the motherly side and why Chuck would like that red bitch but the ching chong was WAY superior.

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I wish they Charmcaster was to Gwen what Kevin is to Ben.

Rip my girl

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Tencest would definitely be the exception to this rule.

>not watching Omniverse

Best Ben 10 season of all. You know it's golden when you see Vilgax getting scared shitless of an alien hilbilly mom.

A cousin you practically grow up with and get close to is just as a good if not better a sister. All the perks of being siblings with less social/genetic drawbacks when you marry and fuck her.

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OP, don't be a fag. She deserved him.

I guess it would've been cute. I liked the episode where she taught him how to dance in the back of the trailer.

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>Grandpa Max fucked two hot alien gilfs
>His second cousin Carl married a shape-shifting mud alien woman
>Mr. Bauman the old ugly bastard that runs the Grocery Store got a hot fish lady GF
>Has an entire harem of chicks to choose from with both Aliens and Humans
>Goes for Kai
>Her only good quality is that she wants Bens wide variety of Xeno cocks, Most specifically she wants to take Blitzwolfer's Knot
Ben truly is the western equivalent of a Shounen protagonist.

Dumb bitch deserved to get knotted.

But you don't live with a cousin and you're not forced to share everything.

Can you take it to Yas Forums?

Which is why they're together. Plus, she won that game show.

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They changed her design in AF too much. Also Ben 2016 blows, but at least Omniverse actually had SOME of the vision of the original. No reason to reboot the series. Ah well, they did it to grab a new generation of kids, not to impress my adult ass. Still though, give any kid the original and they’ll prefer it to the new shit.

>Tifa was worst girl
>Celica was worst girl
>Nana was worst girl
>Only like 3 FE games even have a canon love interest

Weird taste mang.

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>They changed her design in AF too much.
And personality. It really was a shame.

100% agreed. Literally ruined the game for me how the end was this huge tonal shift and they killed off the best girl in such a stupid way.