This is supposed to be some master piece and timeless classic?

This is supposed to be some master piece and timeless classic?
Are JRPG fans brain dead?

Attached: 1586819191498.webm (1280x896, 2.87M)

The answer to both questions is yes

their brains are about as functional as that cripple's

>master piece
hahahah retard


You just don't get it

This was considered photorealistic back in the day. And rightly so.

no it wasn't lmao. not even toy story was, and it came out years earlier.

You were born after 1995 and did not receive a soul as a result.

>it's good cause I was a kid when I played it

We call it soul

is that why i feel so empty?

This is the Tifa everyone fapped back then?

i unironically love this part. i like replaying the game purely for the part where cloud realises the truth about himself

FMVs were hated and everybody was glad when games stopped using them, but keep spamming this I'm sure this will catch on

What does this have to do with FMV?

Busted many a fat nut.


Based and true

I had a soul, the ability to truly feel things. It's gone now.

I hate JRPGs and FF but thats a certified soul from me

Leave me the fuck alone you god damned bully.

>this specific method of cutscene was absolutely hated
It was not, you fibber. Cutscenes were all the rage, it wasn't until like mid-00s you started seeing backlash.

FF fans are a different breed. They don't come to JRPGs for immersion. They come for spectacle. They are the de facto normies of the jrpg world.

It always looked pretty goofy to me, but that was part of the chibi charm

Nobody comes to jrpgs for immersion. That your Ultima/TES shtick. Jrpgs at their best are high adventures with at least serviceable mechanics.

It's charming.
If nomura would have made this. it would have been way fucking dumber tiffa would have been doing anime air flips and swing clouds wheel chair around fighting of time traveling ghosts and sephiroth.

Attached: nu square direction.webm (1280x896, 2.94M)

terrible bait
come up with better bait
maybe ask for some advice from your fellow troons on somethingawful

Attached: bait.png (477x408, 204.63K)

>He spent $300 on a plastic motorcycle and now has to pretend other people are stupid.

I'm stop playing FF7 after Midgar (don't like the story), but even I must recognise that FF7 was a game crafted with soul, this FMV was no exception. Zoomers these day don't know what is soul anymore.

However, FF7 is the first sign of the disaster of modern Square. By chasing new things, they eventually forgot their soul

I have no idea what you're talking about.
Is there some grudge here I'm unaware of?

>everything is graphics and presentation
this is your brain on corrupt western zombie culture

No, it's just 7 fags. That's why they act like little children and whine endlessly about how the canon isn't what THEY think it should be.

holy shit

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