Never forget what he has done for PC gaming and PC gamers

Show him the respect that he deserves.

Attached: totalbiscuit.jpg (1024x821, 77.72K)

Other urls found in this thread:


get cancer and die


Fuck all, that's what he's done. Respect due in proportion.

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>eCeleb garbage

Another post to hide!

Literally nothing

>Never forget what he has done for PC gaming and PC gamers.
You mean pic related?

Attached: jpg.jpg (722x800, 49.18K)

average person in this thread has done more for gaming than this faggot

every game still has fucked keybindings

I mean, even the anti-GG screechers were forced to acknowledge that Brianna Wu was a complete nutjob after weeks/months of pretending she wasn't.

You're right OP. I miss him.

He made a grave mistake

He messed with gamers

What exactly has he created? Can you name even one thing?

Attached: _.jpg (300x455, 23.39K)


>literally raised his wife's son
>friends with trannys
>witch hunted a guy out of a con for jokingly asking if traps were gay
>had his "get cancer and die" spell reflected
>literally died babbling about fortnite
>wife immediately flirts with game devs on twitter following his death
>remembered only as a cancerous twitch emote and "le FOV/60 fps" man

>tells someone to get cancer and die
>he get's cancer and dies

Attached: 1537042405433.jpg (1024x543, 73.94K)

Miss his Podcasts with Jessie and Dodger.

now show him the respect he deserves

Zoomers don't know what it used to be like.

Attached: young TotalBiscuit.jpg (499x552, 21.06K)

Literally who?

I miss this little niBBa like you wouldn’t believe

Eat healthy guys. Let him be a lesson for everyone.




Great lad. Yas Forums gamers forgot all of it and turned like fucking hyeanas because of that one time he got triggered about trannies.

The funny LUL Twitch emoji guy
The guy who got ass cancer after telling someone to get ass cancer
The guy who can't see higher than 30 FPS
etc etc

Attached: Pedws.jpg (2215x1105, 694.34K)

>hated shit like lootboxes, microtransactions, excessive dlc, and preorder bonuses
>was the ONLY advocate for comprehensive options menus in PC games, nobody else does this
>was instrumental in getting the Dark Souls PC port released
>legitimately just wanted to create first impressions videos so that people wouldn’t waste their money on shitty games
I like shitposting as much as the next guy, but I really don’t understand why everyone on this board celebrates his death.


Oh its the twitch emote guy

Imagine the last game you ever reviewed was fucking Fortnite.

Didn't he get his own Doom map? That's basically the greatest tribute for a game journo.

Right is unironically right. If you think celebs treat you as nothing more than a number, you're mentally ill.

I miss his long play reviews of games, felt like the only comprehensive, non clickbaity reviews. Everyone else just tries to shit stuff out but he took his time with a game before delivering an opinion.

His Pro-Consumer arguments were great too, nobody remembers how bad warframe was before he talked with the devs. He would have had a fucking field day calling out activision blizzard.

I've been waiting for someone to take his spot as the pro-consumer vidya vox populi but I don't think its going to happen bros.

RIP in peace TB

traps are gay then

Jim Sterling is a close second imo but he's a little too much of a faggot for my tastes.

*anything more