Kill me

Kill me

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>Supporting that trash
Fuck you retard

good goy, don't forget to buy the atom packs
todd needs his next yacht

tbf I bought it last year for $30
after refunding it the first week it released

Bethesda needs to go bankrupt and die already holy shit. They need to just stick to publishing games from far, far more competent devs.

Why would you subject yourself to that trash, do you want to get an aneurysm

Why would you advertise that you eat shit?

>Buying it for 30$ on steam
>Instead of getting it for 5$ for the toddlauncher
You fucking moron


I bought it a year ago

i bet you get off to being bullied you i'm not going to indulge you



I wonder if any of you have my internet speed I pay for

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I'd buy it on steam right now if it has singleplayer and mod tools. The map and locations are good enough bones to make some neat stuff. The online would be a good way to introduce a sort of dungeonmaster mode, like a pseudo tabletop RPG. Make a campaign and you and a party of 3 or 4 friends play through it. Arma 3 has something like this, and it would work great like an open source online RPG.
It's a lot of potential squandered. Honestly, I played it and it's OK, but what could be done with it is so much more if they removed the new subscription service and added mod tools.

I swear, if they did this, they could land this flop right and make some money back. It's but reorienting to a new demographic niche and catering to it, and that niche exists. Just imagine, making your own DnD campaigns and downloading them from workshops, playing through with your buddies, even strangers. It would work 10x better than random online which amounts to a circlejerk of random killing or autisitc avoidance.
Within their own company umbrella, they did this with ESO. They reinvented it and found a new fanbase, even if it wasn't their original one.

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>Unironically playing Fallout 76 even after the humongous shit show

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>I never played it but it's BAD why are you playing BAD GAME that my fellow gamers have deemed BAD
could you guys be any more embarrassing?

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>actually buying Fallout 76 after reading everything online
You get no sympathy from me, you've dug this hole yourself

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>fallout 4 with no mods
that's bad by default

>buying this shit after all the things exposed and nothing being fixed
>still supporting bethesda after skyrim

>dumb frogposter
>taking any sort of high ground

Consider killing yourself first.

>bro, I believe in whatever popular online consensus tells me
You don't need to like Flopout 76 to see that this is plain retarded.

Based, the game is unironically fun

Why cant this game just be offline single player? Why do I have to pay for a private world? I just want to play Fallout4-2.

whats it feel like to miss out on this game because your opinions were manipulated by a slanderous youtuber

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[Confirmed Bachelor]Everyone in this thread is cute

w-what? heh well... keep sweet talking me like that and i might not put the gag on you tonight

Plus the issues were hyperbolized. Yeah there was a little bit of clipping and some janky animations but that was it. FO76 was by far one of the most stable MMOs to release.

hope you get covid faggot

i have similar speed but its fucking comcast

This wastelanders update totally shits all over what was a perfect game. R.I.P Fallout 76. Once again developers listened to a bunch of crying faggots online and ruined something great to make babies happy. I hope you're happy faggots. You killed it.

Everyone on earth is better than someone who bought this

steam users got it for free if they already bought it from bethesda

Considering I watched my friend preorder it and nearly pissed myself from laughing so hard after I watched him cuss at it for 4 hours when he started playing I think I’ll be ok user.

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fuck man, I really want to get it but I also really don't want to reward Bethesda for their ridiculous microtransactions and other bullshit.

You might like it OP. Wastelanders is pretty good so far.


>wasting electricity and raising entropy bringing us closer to the heat death of the universe for Todd's bamboozle

you must be 18 to post here

Better yet, why would you openly admit to wasting your money in such an embarassing fashion?

They already missed the glory days and will never know what they missed. They can just chant to themselves "the youtubers were right, the youtubers were right" but inside they will know how badly they fucked up. They can never again claim to be fallout fans for the rest of their lives.

the only real fallout fans are those who've only played 1+2 and never even touched nu-thesda and shitsidian garbage

You're not a fan. Go play wasteland 2 fag.

Wasteland 2 is absolute garbage, holy shit stop posting

I typically get around 40 to 50mb change your download location and hard wire your computer user

B b but Brian Fargo invented much Fallout! InXile are the real Fallout creators. Or maybe you're foolish enough to think black isle came up with this and not interplay.