Have you guys tried her yet? copying tanks is way too fucking strong...

Have you guys tried her yet? copying tanks is way too fucking strong, and she also can melt shields as if she were a more mobile junkrat.

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Sounds awful. I'm for shaking up the meta but ill just chill until her nerf comes through.

>new OW hero is completely broken
Shocking. Lemme guess did everyone try to tell Blizzard during PTR only for them to ignore feedback, again?

>playing ow
couldn't be me

is she only on ptr or is she in the game now?

Why does a robotic AI need a human face? She gonna suck a dick?

Because Blizzard are a bunch of fucking cowards with shit taste.

She came out to live servers today.

She looks so fucking creepy with that face. Hits the bottom of the uncanny valley for me.
Why the fuck did they decide to give her a face and not go the same route they did with Bastion and Orisa?

I stop playing the game because she makes tanks and supports obsolete.

Post the r34

This. Give me the only good thing to come out of this shit game.

>ow 2020

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OW would be a much better game without tanks, they completely ruin the pacing and positioning of a shooter

I uninstalled the game ages ago. I made it into Master rank in competitive but the playerbase was insufferable. Even quick play felt like a chore

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are you a boy or a girl, or can you not decide?
Do you enjoy paying for lootboxes?
Only getting cosmetic updates instead of actual content?
Its ok, user, we all know you love cock now. Go tell your parents, they'll be more disappointed you play Overwatch than they would for you being gay

>slender futurebot waifu
>give her a generic animu face instead of sleek, cold visor
god damn blizzard you know the game's only good for giving people boners so why the fuck do you mess up the most important part

her edgy skins look better imo

Attached: echo-stealth-camo-skins-overwatch.jpg (1000x900, 107.07K)

Her ultimate is broken. Even when you defeat her ultimate she doesn’t die.

stinky go back to your smash threads, how dare we discuss something else

That is so much better looking

>playing Blizzard games in 2020
Why not just play valorant if you're gonna be a chinkdicksucking faggot?

This is a deliberate tactic - make her base form mildly shitty so you are pressured to get a better skin. They did the same thing with Sigma's dumb bare feet.

>no tacked on human face
fuck yeah

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It's certainly a tactic they tend to use, but Sigmas only skin with covered feet wasn't even a legendary.
I honestly think that was just a gay foot fetish insert from a designer. And it's awful, even if OW wasn't so shit I wouldn't play it because I don't want to look at that shit.

Well it worked because I bought the Talon uniform for that. I lied. I bought it for the mask

>Have 110 boxes I just don't want to open one after another
Can't I just open them all at once ?

>give this bitch mercy pocket and whole game is ruined

holy fuck

She's not that broken. Hoghook her after she "takes flight"/farts into the air. Game over. She's like a slower Pharah with a bigger hitbox.

>Enemy team has Road, Mei, Pharah, Mercy and Moriah
I genuinely don't know what to do except one player gets a stroke and die at his desk.

Just snipe the parade and have some guy with large burst damage

>wait until your team engages, get into another attack angle as if you were playing pharah
>activate flight when you get a good flank
>do a dive bomb that can delete any support or squishy dps because for some reason you have three (3) tres ways of dealing damage
>repeat until you get ultimate, copy a tank and get their ult in less than 5 seconds

she's busted

>Zarya not top tier

God tier taste

Talon uniform is legit, I'd get it if I didn't already pull his hannibal lector skin from a random one. At least then his feet look sorta appropriate.