Is Tifa the most popular female character ever?

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Does Tifa like coffee?


what the FUCK do girls tits feel like

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Who? Is this a Dragon Quest thing?

bags of salty coins and milk

Lara you pleb

Literally who?

Find the area of fat between your armpit and your nipple. That's what they feel like.

such a slutty bra

no they're a lot softer than some man tit

but if you stop brushing your teeth for 3 weeks and then run your finger over your gums, thats what pussy smells like


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To add to this, the inside of girls' pussies feels like the underside of your tongue.

Of course, make sure you wash your hands before you attempt this else you contract the rona.

rotting decay? thats not what a pussy smells like!

some pussy smells and tastes delicious, depends on the girl

For real dousing a pussy in fem hygiene products is the only way to make that shit manageable.

Not even the most famous vidya female character (Princess Peach and Chun Li come to mind. Maybe even Lara Croft, but she's probably not known much in the east.)

Not your breast, closer to the armpit. There's a bit of hanging fat that's very squishy.

>girls' pussies feels like the underside of your tongue
surprisingly accurate

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I like titjobs more than blowjobs
I like blowjobs more than sex

cowgirl > blowjob >>>>>>>>>>>>> titjob

>tfw closest I got to sex was feeling on some titties
>that was back on Halloween 2017

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Tifa is shit and I hate her

but you would still fuck her, right?

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not even the most popular female video game character

Doggy, I like looking at a girl's sensitive anus quake with pleasure, and the pleasant image of a girl's face, anus, and filled pussy all in one.

Why is this goblina posted so much? That's one of the worst Tifa cosplays ever

you know where you make jelly at home? then you put it in the fridge for it to solidify? tits feels like that but when its not fully solid yet.

what a cute little chubster

I like blowjobs so much more than sex. The best feeling in the world is fucking until she cums, then making her blow me until I cum in her mouth. Swallow or spit, I don't care. Its just the fucking best.

cowgirl is better because she rubs her clit against you and you see her face and whole quivering body as she's grinding to climax and also you have less control which is fucking hot

At the moment, all thanks to the remake. the cosplay girls are taking in huge fat stacks thanks to horny nerds. I'd say Samus or peach are the most popular of all time though

What fucking beasts have you been fucking ?

>less control
Yeah see that's not doing it for me. Still face and quivering body are kino, but I like being able to go up her asshole with a cheeky finger whenever I like. Dick in puss and finger up the bum makes them feel as 'full' as they can be, and your cock and finger rubbing against each other is apparently quite pleasurable.

>your cock and finger rubbing against each other is apparently quite pleasurable.
huh, never knew that. i'll see if i can try that next time. thanks for the advice user