You're working on that game right?... right?

You're working on that game right?... right?

Attached: engines.png (1838x953, 354.84K)

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no fuck you go eat a dick i'll fucking uber eats you a bag of dicks to eat dickeater


Elevation changes work properly. Feels great. I spent way too much time scaling up the side perspective sprite only for it to look like dogshit. Feels terrible.

Attached: the duality of man except it's probably a reverse trap.webm (1024x600, 1.82M)

How do I make a game? I think I'd rather make a newgrounds video game animation. Maybe like Nemesis and Jill in a wacky location, maybe the match game or something, and Charles Nelson Reilly can make a funny quip.

When i'll, the game will be a hit in the stealth genre

Yes, but all I'm doing are character sprite animations.

Making games are fun, I'm not sure why I didn't start sooner.

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Yup! And I just had my Steam page reviewed and accepted. Feels good man

Attached: FishDoor.png (1558x876, 2.18M)

Yeah, very gradually. Maybe in 2-3 years it will start to take shape.

it is just so hard :(

you got a link?


Attached: surgery.jpg (640x1136, 71.45K)

doing a coop puzzle adventure game now starring two kids

Attached: alldaydying20200402.webm (380x200, 2.84M)

do i need to pay something to put a game on steam or do i just sign in and wait?

Attached: wrong.gif (270x150, 1.09M)

Yes, there's a $100 fee.

I'm learning the code to use the engine to make the game.
>have a sound designer and modeller on board despite being a complete amateur
>they know how much I know and don't mind

Yep. In the middle of backer rewards fulfillment now. :)

haha... r-right...

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I don't know why people keep asking me this. I don't want to make a game. I have never expressed interest in such a thing.

Trying to work out engine architecture stuff. Surely I'll get started on actually working on it soon (tm).

Trying to teach myself C++ so that I can build something myself but it's all very daunting
My only experience with coding is some HTML and scratch from back when I was in school like 5 years ago.

I have the idea for an RPG based off of Cyberpunk2020s Interlock system but I just dont know how to do it

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>You're working on that game right?... right?
Of course, just remind me again what that dream game you wanted me to make was?

I find with a lot of programming, it's just a case of taking your big goals and breaking them down into smaller and smaller ones that are achievable, and ones that you don't know how to do are what you research next.

Yes but I won't get to it for a couple of days due to irl shit.
Imagine a single player shooter where you move shit with your mind and moving shit is the only way to to attacks but you can move enemies and walls around with a bunch if other shit.

>tfw can't stop playing skyrim
it's ok, no one wanted something that can be described as akira points/7th stand user/persona but it's an rpg with proper worldbuilding, most of the time its just you planning hang outs with your party, getting rewarded in the long run with sex scenes
i know that comparing your game to others is bad, but it's the quickest way to explain it

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Worked on optimizing and fixing some jumpgate issues, then realized this entire time my logic for trading in ships (like not programmer logic but literally how i was doing it) was completely wrong and made me feel stupid. I've mostly just fixing issues with trading systems since my dad wants to play a new version...

Attached: UnderspaceSpecSpecSpecs.jpg (1616x3636, 3.1M)

Yeah, I do know what you mean, and I've decided the "system", or small chunk of it I'm going to work on is the movement or the turn based mechanics first, though that still is a long way off imo because, like I said, I'm a total programming noob

Attached: prdmtjautdr41.jpg (1080x1323, 243.55K)

>was completely wrong and made me feel stupid
What was it?

That sounds like a good start, user. Just remember to keep at it, even if you are doing like 5-10 minutes a day since it adds up over time. Also, if you can, get someone to review your code once you do a section of it.