Who is behind the shit posting?

Who is behind the shit posting?

>japs love it
>west loves it
>only issues are the textures and the secret loading screens but the gameplay is the best in the series and the story is loved by 80%+ of players

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Other urls found in this thread:


Honestly im just waiting on the dunkey video. Cant wait for him to tear this shit apart

>unironically wanting to play the same exact game with the same plot

It's good that Nomura changed the script. Those fags would just cry and call it SOULLESS anyway if it followed the OG PS1 game 1:1. So why bother? If I was in charge, I would just change the whole script. Not just a few things

>chinese cartoon game
Into the trash it goes.

keep saying it

>generic gameplay
>padding padding padding
>over the top cringy anime fight scenes
>extremely unpolished
>extremely ugly to look at
>shit atmosphere due to outsourced NPC's and lowres textures

If they don't give Tifa a new outfit by Episode 2, I am never fucking using her through the rest of the trilogy or however long it's going to be. If they're going to butcher her classic outfit that hard, I'd rather she be in her AC outfit, so I don't have to look at that eyesore a second longer

do you play games just to masturbate?



thread over

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You can change the plot, just don't use time jannies. That's the most fucktarded way to do it.

>unironically linking to leddit
fuck off and go back

I just really didn't like it, user. Is it that hard for you to accept?

It's Yas Forums. Of course they're shitting on it.

It kinda helps that it's an extremely good game with some not insignificant flaws. Lets them be both contrarian *and* hot-take slingers at the same time. Yas Forums loves that shit

For me, it's the hour long, repetitive, hallway dungeons that contribute nothing that ruin it.

>the gameplay is the best in the series

This is easily the worst video game ever created. This "game" can basically be summed up as padding and filler.

They took 5-minute "dungeons" from the original Midgar and turned them each into hour-long FF13 hallways. Even worse, they inserted all new "dungeons" (hour-long FF13 hallways) in between story beats where the original FF7 would have just moved on to the next story beat. It doesn't add anything to the story or game world. It doesn't flesh out the original Midgar. It's not even fun. You just go down some glorified decorated hallways and fight three guys at a time for 30+ hours. This is not fun. This is not a game. This is mindless, joyless, and a chore. I actually had to force myself to finish this awful slog.

The sidequests do little to break up the monotony--in fact, they amplify it. They are the most soulless, uninteresting MMO quests you can imagine. At some point I just stopped bothering with them because they add noting of value to this game. They are not fun or interesting.

This isn't Final Fantasy 7. This is Final Fantasy 13 loosely based on Final Fantasy 7. This game does not respect your time. Square Enix claimed that this remake was going to be episodic because the game world was going to be "greatly expanded" and "vast." Midgar is not expanded. It is padded. What happened here is that they decided from day one that they wanted to sell multiple games as "episodes," and then struggled to come up with filler content to stretch Midgar out to 30+ hours. And they couldn't even come up with anything fun. As I said, this is easily the worst video game I ever played in my life.

This is the most soulless, joyless corporate cash-grab ever created, it is a personal attack against video games as a medium, and it is a crime against humanity.

Drop dead.

>extremely good game
lol. this isn't even good by FF standards, which are very low already.

>it's Yas Forums
and every other gaming site
it's not contrarian if they all hate on it

>it's an extremely good game
lmao. I don't believe even for a second that you consider this to be enjoyable game design. You liked the combat, the graphics, the cutscenes, the nostalgia, but I refuse you to believe you did anything other than force yourself to put up with the massive amount of bullshit to get to the good stuff.

>padded out Midgar
>gameplay is just mash Square for auto combos
>Dialogue is still cringey PS2 low budget JRPG tier that Sqaure loves to still use
>Time Janitors for no reason
But of course normalfags who never touched the original let alone completed it are easily impressed, and those who did are just glad its not a complete disaster

It's good by nu-ff standards.

How can it be an extremely good game when it has tons of flaws?

I'll tell you what you like. You like Barret humming the victory music. You like Tifa's ass. You clap when you hear the battle music because it reminds you of the original. Seeing the characters from the original game talk to one another makes you ignore the shitty plot, padded yet linear overworld and inconsistent graphics.



So does gamefaqs

>Everyone says its good so its good

Not even going to bother pointing out the flaws in that logic. The issue is the way change was implemented, not that fact that it was changed.

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I just hate the padding. Boring combat and shit textures are fine by me, one of my favorite RPGs is the the .hack//Infection series and that shit was rife with mediocrity across the board--it was passion and creativity that held that shit together with divine molten glue. VIIR just has no spark. VII has one of the best openings in videogames, with Midgar being this sustained set of characters, events and perfectly paced suspense. Remake needlessly turns it into a fucking slog. There was no need for any of this wack ass additional shit, it's clear as day that this is a corporate product given the green light because Square has finally reached the point of needing to milk their golden cow. I just didn't expect them to give so little of an obvious fuck about its artistic and narrative integrity. So fuck'em, and fuck the stupid ass pt. 2 that's going to have Kingdom Hearts and Yozora/whatever cameos. Square is dead and now VII's dead with it.

>How can it be an extremely good game when it has tons of flaws?
Because a game's flaws are indicators of quality, not quality itself. Flaws in a work of art indicate points where the creator felt okay with skimping out on effort and verisimilitude. Flaws are the *result* of a lack of quality, not the cause of it.

>You like Barret humming the victory music. You like Tifa's ass. You clap when you hear the battle music because it reminds you of the original.
>ignore the shitty plot, padded yet linear overworld and inconsistent graphics.

You can acknowledge flaws (all of which you just listed are perfectly valid) and still enjoy it. That's allowed.

I read this a lot but what exactly does this even mean? One complaint is something like
>sector 7 slums is too big and can fit on a single screen
If that's your complaint you really have nothing to complain about.
>Jesse is too developed now I don't give a shit about Jesse
Jesse's development has been a real positive for the game. It gave a forgettable NPC new life and they ok incorporated her well into the game. I even like the landlady

Sephiroth having the party defeat destiny so he isn't destined to fail is a neat idea. However I don't believe Nomura will be able to stick the landing for this weird multiverse bullshit he's opened.

oh no no no no

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Well ok thats fine. I'm cool with people liking the game as long as they acknowledge its flaws, the people going around acting like that game is flawless and better than the original annoy me.

See i acknowledge that Jessie is more of a character in this game than in the original, i just dislike how they developed her. I got the impression that she was stoic with a mild crush on cloud in the original but heres shes just a full blown bubbyl, thirsty thot.

Probably the long boring hallway segments and the dumb time-wasting boring robot hand crane segments and the absolute garbage bottom-of-the-barrel sidequests and the total mess of irregular, incoherent pacing disrupting the fucked up narrative.

it's tempter tantrumming nintendiedrones and poverty fags throwing a shit fit because they can't experience it

Ok, for real, what's with the extremely bad textures? Is this a bug? There's no reason they should be this low quality

man, that's a lot of wrinkly paper

Why are you in a FF thread then?