What do they eat?

What do they eat?

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just like everyone who expected this to be a good game


Games which have stories that seem to be smart but are complete nonsensical drivel perhaps?

Birds, duh

rotten apples out of a trash can because the apple stand right next to it is a shitty texture they cannot interact with

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this shit always cracks me up


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It's weird how the game lets you do that.
In the first and second game it made sense because the entire society of the city went to hell so shit like fresh food and water is scarce.

But there are restaurants and fresh food all over the god damn place, there is zero reason to be eating half eaten food in the trash.

Only reason it got high scores was becausei t had the term "Bioshock" in it's title and due to the fcat the developers had a lot of friend shills in major video game review publications(look up Adam Sessler's review of this game and tell me how blatantly he is shilling it without a shred of integrity).

this wasnt even hidden away, you see one every 15 feet

I'm not a botanist but do apples (or other plants) even grow in such heights? Isn't that city supposed to be in or above the skies?



Imagine getting told what to think by fucking meta scores, how much of a smooth brain can you be?

they secretly import blacks and irish just to throw rocks at them so it wouldnt be that far of a stretch to say they import apples and other goods

Reminder we were originally going to get interdimensional body horror but they chickened out last minute.

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the poor

it's up there in the top 3 of best textures alongside pic related and doom's fireblu

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I knew the game is going to be boring and lame when they didn't let me throw the ball.

I mean by Bioshock logic if humans are able to comfortably survive in that altitude I don't see why produce wouldn't be sustainable. They could also just be imports from below considering you run across a couple cargo aircrafts throughout the game.

They wanted the "dudebro" audience for this game, and no i am not joking about that because Levine literally said this in a public interview pre-release. No wonder this game was fucking shit.

Warped flat textures in otherwise competently textured games always unsettle me

Corn in stock

Metacritic aside the gameplay was a massive downgrade, story was good though (even if there's obvious plot holes like OP points out). It's a 7.5/10 and the hate for it is overblown, but it's very overrated

ok I didn't thought of that.

70% of the cool shit didn't make it in.
I also remember they wanted to add randomly generated events in each level.

Narrative legos

One thing this game did is that it at least outed Levine as being a complete moronic hack. There's a very good reason why he hasn't been attached to a video game project for the past seven years.

They eat shit because it's a piece of shit game.

Also one of the starting concepts was "this is going to be set BEFORE the civil war that destroys the society", so in a lot of instances NPCs were going to start off as non-hostile civilians and you could choose to aggro them or not. Maybe this didn't do so well in play testing, but it seemed really cool that you could actually just pick your battles like a survival horror.

They practically removed everything that would've had at least made this game decent in the last 6 months of production.

Liz's pussy

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Honestly, it's hard to call him a hack when NOTHING he intend or planned even got it.

If anything it makes him look like a liar, except unlike NMS we never got the updates to make the game good later on.

I remember him saying that he put the dimension travel/quantum mechanics stuff in there because he himself didn't understand it and therefore it must be super smart

Well judging by Infinite's narrative it's almost positive the best parts of System Shock 2 and Bioshock 1 weren't even written by him but by somoene else and he then took the credit.

If amyone is curios as to why the game was like it was the following is the reason:

Bioshock did not sell well enough for it's budget, Levin wantes to next one to do better and so he started chasing the COD crowd. You can see this in the more streamlined level design and weapon limits. At one point they even went arlund frats asking them what they thought about the game. I remember all this from old ass interviews i saw.