>Games that killed their own series
Post them

Attached: Guilty Gear Jive.jpg (764x401, 39.18K)

Inb4 Xrd


sounds like someone's in the SHOCK STATE

Lol the beta didn't fix the damage

Attached: guilty gear strive sol command throw.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)


How bad is it exactly?

Just play GBF Versus bro

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>Just play Arc's most unbalanced game of recent times


>Faust not in doctor outfit
Wut the fug

Dark Souls 3.

>not in doctor outfit
niggga what

Attached: 1576358714744.png (1650x1450, 492.61K)

Why is the gameplay so slow?

Are all buttons Dust now?

"It's just a placeholder bro" they said.

>be fighting game noob
>last time I played a fighting game was Tekken 2 or something on ps1
>Strive trailer drops
>Holy shit this looks awesome
>Immediately get Xrd and start learning the game
>Having tons of fun and tutorial is great for teaching a noob like me who can't even dragon punch how to play the game
>mfw Strive details are released and it's dumbed down as fuck
W-why? Here I was a new player excited for Strive, and now I'm just turned off again.
Fightan might just not be for me with all this weird casualization going on.


What's wrong with this gameplay exactly?

stfu secondary

>remove combos
>but also grab deals as much damage as 50+ combo ended with special move

what did daisuki mean by this

I fucking hate Modern ArcSys

What did you mean by this?

Attached: s-l1000.jpg (680x1000, 61.14K)

>30% off a command throw
what the actual fuck are they thinking?

he looks more like patient than a doctor

That it's time to chuck niggas.

Attached: 1564676707730.webm (768x432, 2.89M)

The last good game Arcsystemworks made was Central Fiction. And the last good GG game was +R. Why are you all acting like this is new that the company is trash.

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They're called doctor's scrubs user.

Attached: final-fantasy-vii-remake-demo-store-art-01-ps4-02mar20-en-us.jpg (576x576, 80.63K)

>nooo you can't grab my life away!!!!
Just don't get grabbed lmao

If 13 couldn't kill the series then nothing will.


Attached: Marvel-vs.-Capcom-Infinite.jpg (1280x720, 192.72K)

>HUD changes with every single point of damage
Well that's irritating.