Which of these "I'm totally going to make these one day, eventually...

Which of these "I'm totally going to make these one day, eventually, probably" vidya ideas of mine sounds the most interesting?

>top down Zelda based game with more in depth combat and items replaced by the mega man feature of taking on most dungeons in any order to steal powers from the boss at the end

>game heavy on exploration set on a deserted island with time management aspects like setting time aside to hunt or make new tools and puzzles to solve in the ruins dotted around where

>turn based RPG somewhat similar to Persona set in midwestern 90s America but with a open ended story, multiple ending, and a more grounded and "serious" tone

I promise I'll take any input I get seriously.

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guys, why is the pic me???

probably because you have no talents or skills so you created a way to feel good about wasting your time

yes you are right.

The one that isn't "dude like this game but different"
Get some originality

While the first option sounds the most fun, the second option has way more room for being creative and innovating. I'd dig either of them. The third just sounds like YIIK, but I'm yours couldn't be worse than that.


dude everyone must be categorized into a specific subspecies of human

None of those, but if you had to make one, the middle.

The first one isn't nearly enough material to make a game from without it just being a pre-existing game with a weak gimmick, and the third is less than nothing, you basically just described a vague mood piece.

I tried to keep the descriptions as short as possible so the OP wouldn't look like a blog post, comparing them to things you guys already know was the fastest way. If you want any more info I'm fine posting it.

>another schizojack

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First one, because the second one is extremely vague and seems boring, while the third one is meaningless and disgustingly you'll-never-do-it

>haha you are so crazy if you have imaginary girlfriends

all of these are just slight iterations on an existing concept

if you’re going to be an idea guy you’re gonna have to at least get some fresher ideas

So you are basically saying Zoomers have extreme autism? How is this news?

speak for yourself

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Goddamnit, this is me, too. Except I'm 30.

i’m not the guy trying to pitch videogames

also desu if I had a good one I definitely wouldnt just give it away on the internet, but that might be because I sometimes actually follow through on things I come up with

Thanks for taking the time to post anything at all, I appreciate it.

As for the third one I "feel" like I have a pretty good story laid out for it which would have to be the selling point really, so it would be the most risky to attempt since not everyone even looks to games for a story and of those that do it could miss the mark with a lot.

actually me

keep saying it

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I take that image as a personal insult.

...saying what?

Third one is just a plot
First one is at least a game idea

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yeah... I know you see that epic meme phrase in all those threads about your favourite youtuber Dunkey, but it's not really a thing outside of those threads sorry

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None of them. Ideas are absolutely fucking worthless. Make something and then see if it's interesting.

Your first two ideas are barely ideas.
They suck.
3rd one could work. I won't play it, but others will.

>spend 8 hours a night thinking about how to handle a bad situation
>don't even ever succeed, I still get murdered or raped or both no matter what I try


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But user please. I've been on lock down for an entire week already and I haven't been able to work on any of them because I can't decide which one to focus on. I need your help before I can put my nose to the grindstone and start.

>>game heavy on exploration set on a deserted island with time management aspects like setting time aside to hunt or make new tools and puzzles to solve in the ruins dotted around where
give it a cartoony art style like wind waker or super mario sunshine and I am sold.
survival games that try to be "realistic" always are such a bore to play that feel more like work.
if the movement and gameplay is however cartoony and simple it`s more fun
other then that this one also sounds interesting
>turn based RPG somewhat similar to Persona set in midwestern 90s America but with a open ended story, multiple ending, and a more grounded and "serious" tone
but I am generally not that intressted in open ended stories, I prefer the developer put all their effort and time to tell one great story that has great cutscenes and voice acting rather then a story that is split into several different choices that all are less spectacular and have less of an cinematic story telling as a result

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