Nascar driver says nigger while playing video games on twitch
Nascar driver says nigger while playing video games on twitch
I don't care. I say nigger when I talk to my sister about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, nothing is special about him.
>immediately starts groveling
The blood is in the water, they're coming after you and won't stop, fucking retards do this every time.
I hate cancel culture so much
>The blood is in the water, they're coming after you and won't stop, fucking retards do this every time.
He's trying to keep his job. He lost it anyway though since we don't have free speech in the US
>He's trying to keep his job
It's already gone. When has crying and begging as the mob descends ever worked? Have some fucking spine and this might stop happening.
sne ed
>He lost it anyway though since we don't have free speech in the US
Free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequence.
Free speech exists but he signed a contract and is supposed to represent the company. Youll understand when youre older.
So you're admitting that capitalism and free speech can't coexist?
He should keep his job if Maxishillian got away with saying chinger changer nigger nagger
Nah, it”s cool. Bubba gave him the pass
So I'm free to kill you, just not free from the legal consequences?
Youre free to say what you want not exempt from its consequences. Like you can shout faggot nigger al day in the street just don't be surprised when you get gangraped.
Murder is speech...
Losing your job and criminal prosecution and two different things you mongoloid
>southerner being a racist retard
wow really?? wtf?? this has literally never happened before??? they never even fought a war to keep slaves?????
retards are going to twist themselves trying to warp this in their favor
>some random guys on the street are the same as a multibillion corporation that employees you
he’s a jap lmao
You're free to say what you want but we'll put you in jail hyuck hyuck
Freedom to do something does in fact mean freedom from consequences otherwise there isn't really any freedom at all
we just discriminate against whatever we feel like in a particular decade
A public company representative cannot use words in public that go against the contract he/she signed and most companies will ban racial slurs because it is
1) Common sense and culturally current that racial inequality and racism is immoral and unprofessional
2) the monetary backlash of association with racism is not zero for a public company
Why is it so hard for you niggers to understand?
>b-but muh free speech
Also born in California.
Both are actions you can take, both have socially accepted consequences.
You accept someone being incarcerated for murder and you accept someone losing their job for saying nigger. Different actions have different consequences, that's a given. You're still equally free to take the action in the first place.
>making you starve to death is totally different than just shooting you in the head
>being offended by a word
What the fuck is wrong with americans
When he started his video with "I have something to say" I was hoping he would start screaming NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER to the camera, what a pussy
>free speech exists but its only for the high level jews that run all companies in the world
>Nascar driver
>Says nigger
Does this really surprise anyone ?
tell me why is wrong to say the n word, dear user
>you accept someone losing their job for saying nigger
No I do not accept that, I'm not a thinskinned liberal.
you’re telling me is ok to hit someone just because he said a mean word?
Do I look like your dad faggot?
well yes, obviously, no one can't take your ability to somehow find and kill someone, but you better be prepared to deal with the consequences of those actions, whether by law or by someone close to the victim doing exactly what you did.
What does the "Nigger" on his forehead stand for?
>What the fuck is wrong with nigger
i bet most americans wish to kick out niggers from their countries
No, but you look like a faggot
Grow your own crops bitch nigga.
White people just are cucks lmao. Imagine being rich and black people are still on your mind to where you have to be edgy and blurt out nigger
>both have socially accepted consequences
Nobody with an IQ above 70 accepts the consequences unless they can use them as a bludgeon
The history of the word sucks no doubt, but why are people so fucking defensive over this word?
You are entirely free to speak out against the CCP in China, but you will be thrown into a labor camp or killed. This "you aren't free from the consequences, but you still have freedom" is some communist doublespeak and you know it
>user, there's box A and there's box B
>you're free to take whichever you want, it's 100% your decision!
>oh by the way, if you take A, me and a bunch of other subhumans will gangbang you into the closest hospital
>after that you will lose your job and will be deplatformed, and most likely lose your current place in society and your plans for life
>now choose """freely"""!!!! :^^^^))
Constrained freedom is not freedom, you retarded fucking apeheads.
i get that you arent supposed to say it but it slipped out of his mouth and now hes tainted by it.
it's actually illegal to grow certain foods on a property in residential areas in america. so that would be quite inconvenient to actually do
No it’s not, outside of HOAs. But if you voluntarily live in an area with an HOA, you deserve everything that happens to you.
This is nothing compared to what NASCAR has done in the past
Not because he said it, not because the dad said it, but because of a rumor that the dad may have saidit decades ago.
This is madness
>Some dude said that your dad said nigger before you were born so we're dropping you for now