“Dark Souls 2 is better than Dark Sou-“

“Dark Souls 2 is better than Dark Sou-“

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left: soulless
right: soul

Big sword = good game


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Always have to sneak huge swords into their games.

>Demon's Souls
>Dark Souls 3
Um, that's an unbased from me, I'm afraid.

Shit I just realized that... How the fuck is Iron King above Earthen Peak?

>DS2 fan is the only one who give reasons for why he prefers the game

is this picture supposed to make DS2 fags look bad.

I mentally picture the sort of nerd who actually opened photoshop to make this pic and I just feel strong pangs of sadness and pity


>grouping Demon Souls with DS3

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Both are bad. If you think Demon's Souls is good compared to literally any Souls game that came after it besides Sekiro then you likely haven't played it.

is potentially better, it just need good modders

>Both are bad
Um, that's an unbased from me, I'm afraid.

>read statement
>look at websites name


ds2 world building is a bit of a mess im afraid.

Gotta say there's alot of people with shit tastes here but you take the cake

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fume knight is so cool

dang ds3 had some tight bosses.
I can't imagine why some people dislike it.


both bosses are pretty cool

user, when you do the "quote of an opinion that gets cut of-" thing, you're supposed to choose an UNPOPULAR opinion

Fume Knight is a cool boss, unfortunately like every other ds2 boss, the games terrible mechanics prevent him from being a top notch boss fight.

fixed it

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lack of consistency, some bosses were great like gael, but then you had the giant dragon, the tree, and other shit bosses.

It's literally the same dodge-block-hit shit.

Tree was great you faggot.

Imagine actually thinking DS2 has the best bosses

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I'm currently replaying ds1 and every single weapon in ds2 is just so infinitely better than in 1.

Gael is such a kino fight holy shit

So much adrenaline

DS2 is a fun game for the flexibility it has in how you navigate the world and build your character.
Not saying it doesn't have flaws (Fuck ADP) but those two things make it really replayable to me.
Also it feels more like a sequel to DeS than DaS and the janky ass connectivity between zones feels like filler hallways when having a hub with waystones like DeS makes perfect sense.