Please remember to defeat the Monster Lord!

Please remember to defeat the Monster Lord!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Getting toyed with by Alma Mater!
Getting smugly trained by Alma Mater!
Getting stronger because of Alma Mater!
Getting Alma Mater to finally stop holding back against you!!!


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That autocorrect sure is hitting you hard, huh.

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I give anime girls I like nicknames. It's a habit, but I can never decide whether I like Alma Elmo or Alma Mater better.

Which Monster Girl would you want to be eaten by Yas Forums?

For me it's Chrome after she shrinks me down into a bite-sized snack!

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Best knight
Adult Tamamo is a close second

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For me, its the harpy queen.

I'll just live in her cleavage thank you very much.

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>there will never be an anime retelling of the MGQ story

Please don't listen to this demon. You're supposed to defeat the Monster Lord, for the good of the world. You're a hero, aren't you?

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It's frustrating, monster girls have gotten huge the last couple years but the only anime we'll ever get is the shitty OVA

Did Part 3 of NG+ come out or was it actually a Never Ever?

It's for the best. I don't want any damn normalfaggots in my MGQ, it's already a wonder they somehow didn't get to it through the fluffy tail meme.

No user, you'll surely get your MGQ anime, as long as you are patient.
Consider the following:
1: Monster Girls are super popular (Interspecies Reviewers and Daily Life with Monster girls did really well.)
2: AI will make animation dirt cheap with the next 2 decades or so.

MGQ Paradox is unironically God-tier.

Angels are SHIT
Monster Lords are SHIT
I'm gonna do my own thing.

i'm playing through mgq for the first time and just beat chapter 2. holy fuck, i love alma. easily my favorite character. is she popular with other mgq players too?

Gonna defeat the monster lord with my dick

Is it actually? I've only played the original trilogy and was just quickly reading through this thread. I have some good memories of playing the original games years ago.

No she's terrible, you chose the correct ending to part 2 though right?

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Yeah. I mean that's no surprise, Alice and the Heavenly Knights are really popular since they're so prominent.

It's a little grindy, but yeah it's pretty great
It has a crazy in-depth job system allowing you to customize a fuckload of different allies into a fuckload of different things

i couldn't go through with it because ilias is a shitter and alice is cool

How do the designs compare to the original trilogy? I liked most of the early designs but shit got too weird with the manufactured monsters

It's extremely fun to see character you know in completely new circumstances.
Hell, to give you some perspective, the game managed to get me to like the fucking Beelzebubs.

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You should think about the things you say before you say them. You were supposed to defeat the Monster Lord, you know.

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I would accept to being the breeding toy of a
>dragon girl especially the one with red hair
>lamia girl
>harpy girl
>bee girl

I would hate the living nightmare of being the toy of a
>slug girl
>worm girl
>spider girl
>slime girl
>octopus girl (you just know she is going to shove her tentacles into your mouth and butt)

Die unclean one

The gameplay is fucking amazing and surprisingly deep. You can "catch" monster girls and use them in battles and there's a ridiculous number and they each have their own "job"s aka class and "race" which can evolve. They naturally have h-scenes as well and quite a few have multiple ones. The story I would say is even better than the original VN's and has a very nice twist to it that I'd recommend not spoiling yourself on. It really is genuinely worth playing. Plus it's very long. I managed to get...60-70 hours I think and the final part isn't out yet.

It's MGQ so many are hit or miss and you still get the fucking weirdo abominations. A lot of the new monster girls, which there's a ton of, however do have very good designs.

guess that makes sense

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Monsters from the OT are also in Paradox, as well as a bunch of new monsters. If you didn't like chimeras you probably won't like Apoptosis monsters though, but there's also simple new ones like the rabbit girl.

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Alright you convinced me. I guess I'll have to go see for myself.

My advertisements! No! Delete this shit!

>I would hate the living nightmare of being the toy of a
Mindbroken toys aren't capable of hate

If you look on f95 I think they have part 1 and 2 uploaded on there last I checked.

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Is Paradox translated? Is it any good? I never bothered with MGQ until all three parts were out and translated and packaged into one game, and I've been trying to do the same wait with Paradox.

Part 1 and 2 have been translated for over a year. Part 3 isn't out yet.

>lose to kitsune girl
>get good ending

Right onto it maam

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Fuck yeah.

Iliashit and all iliasfags should be exterminated.

Angels and lawfags should be purged and decapitated.

Story and NPC dialogue is all translated. Most skill use flavor text is not since every single one of the several hundred characters has a unique line for every single one of the several hundred skills available in the game.

Same, she's my favorite character.

delete these posts