What's your opinion on it?
What's your opinion on it?
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I like GTA lol
Fun game, ruined by the poor PC port, horrid optimization, and dead online. Is a chore to try and play with friends.
story is good, gameplay is fun if you're into a more "realistic" GTA. Kinda holds up today? idk haven't played in a minute
Played a lot last week and it really holds up. I think they fixed optimisation on pc qith the release of the complete edition because I had no problems.
Playing right now on ps3, the story seems interesting. But that fucking filter is killing me
Haven't been able to get it to run lately, was there a patch?
Yeah, everything looks the same
I really like the ragdoll physics, but I hate how it applies to you the player character too, if I'm in a shoot out with cops I don't like how a car nudging you can stunlock you for several seconds while cops shotgun you in the face.
Same with cars, its fun that other peoples cars can be so easily be flipped and flung around but annoying that it also applies to you, same deal with flying out the wind shield, its funny when a small crash makes an NPC fly out the window, but more annoying when it happens to you, they even increase the threshold for cops but no you for some reason.
Don't have one because it hardlocked my PC every single time I fired any gun on a certain main story mission and it seemed less fun than the PS2 titles so I never tried again.
Inferior to San Andreas and V
It's good but GTA V has the better missions. Although IV has a much better city.
The story also is over-rated. It has a good start and one great moment. Everything else is Niko doing odd-jobs for bosses that are replaced within 3 missions. And occasionally asking about the guy he is looking for. People tend to forget all that.
The DLC is consistently good and better than the main game
V's weakest asset is the map, IV's weakest asset was its length.
Also picking the superior revenge but getting guido #8, who shows up 2 hours before the ending, as the final boss is lame.
No fingerless gloves so dogshit
Meh, the Italian was dickish enough for a villain by killing Kate . Revenge is superior because you get to whack both antagonists back to back.
>What's your opinion on it?
It's probably the best GTA since 3 since it actually focuses on being a criminal instead of wasting your time with dumb gimmicks. My issues with it are the lack of weapons and the continuation of the shitty hidden collection.
Superior to San Andreas and V.
Depends on what really. Personally I think SA has more replay value to it while GTA 4 has a better serious story. There's not much you can do after beating GTA 4 main campagian.
cars feel like they wegh 100 kgs
This its more fun than gta5 by a long shot
Nice physic shit graphic
It was the best looking open world game in 2008
IV was the first GTA game to actually have good graphics for it's time.
Rockstar keeps ruining it with patches that remove radio and ruin mods.
>V's weakest asset is the map
Nah it's the story
>PC port, horrid optimization,
gta 4's engine is garbage, it doesn't matter what device you put it on. runs like shit on 360, bone, and bone1x. runs like shit even on a 2080ti. it's time to come to terms with the fact the engine itself is flawed garbage and no amount of "optimization" can fix it which is why you're never going to see rockstar re-release it ever, only back compat bone1x which doesn't save it. the game has to to be rebuilt on 5's version of rage because 4's version of rage is inherently flawed trash.
GTA IV had soul, unlike the zoomer fag orgy GTA V
I like the "money's worthless screw around" thing IV had
>runs like shit even on a 2080ti
It run very well on my 2080ti and i9 in 4k
Good driving.
I love it. Autists will never understand it and boomer cry about muh it isn't 3D GTA.
there both fun for how ever long the weeds takes to were off