Final Fantasy VII Remake

Japan HATES the remake, all the top reviews are shitting on the game.

Attached: ff7japaneseresponse.png (3000x893, 775.95K)

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Good, all they had to do was make a remake why is it so fucking hard?

Yep 4 stars, they really hate it.

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jp amazon he doesn't know they shit on everything


i love it though

wtf i love the remake now


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thanks a lot guys, now we'll never get a follow-up

Only the gay Japs hate it. Like those fucing fujos,

Most otakus love it since FF7 has a harem of girls for Cloud now

Fujos love it though so its ok.
Seriously there were a lot of fujo streams on nico screaming at cutscenes
Fucking horrible experience

it's like 3.4 stars tho. It'll show 3 stars when it gets to 3.0 or lower.

they've been deleting a bunch of reviews, same shhit on metacritic


3.7 is 3 1/2 stars which it will be soon. It has the same vote distribution and 1 star top votes like KH3 and FF15.

who cares, the full game is already out.


Not to defend the game, but Japanese reveiwers are retarded.

>it's like 3.4 stars tho
the coping hater.

Good. If the new plot is what Nomura and his team thought would be acceptable and wasn't a fucking dumb idea, they shouldn't be allowed to continue.

this. nomura apologists should be publicly executed

They need this webm so they can spam it and make fun of whoever the fuck decided plot ghosts were a good thing

Attached: 1586835943053.webm (1280x896, 2.94M)

I don't want to see another one.

lmao at sephiroth

Attached: FF7R.png (1200x850, 535.43K)

Great works of art are rarely appreciated in their own time.

Nobody wants a follow up to Kingdom Hearts Fantasy VII.
Just scrap this whole thing, move on to FFXVI and attempt to make a REAL remake only after Nomura is gone.

hahahhaa you are such a FAGGOT!!!!!

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hopefully a crazy jap murders Nomura for his crimes

This poster is a ghostbuster, he aint afraid of no ghosts.

yeah they really hate it

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