Which genre requires more skill and IQ?
Fighting Games vs FPS
probably CS because of teamwork
Theres a higher learning curve in fighting games as they require more skill. You have to analyze frame data, punishable moves and learn how to string combos together which is much harder than clicking your mouse to shoot someone
doesn't matter. SFV suuuuucks
It is like asking which takes more skill, football or boxing.
Completely different skill sets
FG's require way more knowledge and 'psychological' IQ. You have to adapt to your opponent constantly and out play them.
FPS are way more 'twitch' reaction based. Still very tactical, but insanely reliant on your reaction time. See the pro scene of both genres. FG's has a lot of older legacy players who do really well because of knowledge and experience, while I feel that FPS pro scenes have a lot of quite young players who are at their peak of reaction timing, which decreases the older you get.
Now that both genres cater to esports neither of them take skill. But fighting games still take a shit ton more than fps
game knowledge*
Older Arena (1v1) FPS games require more 'IQ' than modern team based shooter IMO. Planning around pickups, predicting what your opponent is doing, pressuring them into certain behavior.
>Now that both genres cater to esports neither of them take skill
>Reaction times
Yep stopped reading right there. Humans have around the same reaction time. That "reaction time" your probably referring to is just prefiring. They are making educated guesses on where the opponent is.
>but insanely reliant on your reaction time
I'd say that applies to FGs to, whiff punishing is an incredibly important skill. On top of execution being a mix of timing and reflexes. In his book Daigo even mentioned that really as he got older his reflexes aren't much worse, it is a skill he has had to keep practising. I'd put the new player taking over more down to the higher influx FPS game get. When you have so many joining each year you get more of those really special players. The FGC gets new talent but it takes a while for them to be able to react on the same level as older players. Most SFV new blood pros started in SF4, and I wouldn't say they have better reactions on average.
Plus knowledge doesn't 100% transfer between games, or even updates. You can gain a better ability of reading what a game requires of you and favours. But even blocking between games isn't completely the same circumstance. How much hitstun you are put in, how much pushback, when proximity guard activates etc.
reaction times may be equal but that doesn't mean you can't train yourself to react in a certain way to a specific thing you see
Im dumb and am fairly decent at FPS and always get stomped on in FPS games
So I say fighting games take more skill
FPS games are more intuitive than fighting games for sure, you can learn a lot of things just by playing and watching what teammates do
fighting games don't even bother explaining basic mechanics
That is mostly down to the learning curve, or rather how the games make you perceive it. You can feel like you can do well in an FPS because it doesn't appear like you are missing parts of the game. OW especially is awful for this, even reinforcing hey you were a useless fuck but did a load of damage so here is a gold star. When really you are likely barely scratching the surface.
Fighting games are more like, hey learn how our entire battle engine works down to the stuff games try to hide from you.
Fighting games are higher skill. Require more precise inputs, aren't reliant on over-eager netcode compensating competitive play as it's all done locally, don't have retarded hitboxes, don't have broken maps, and are a pure test of mechanical skill and reading the enemy player.
The fact that CS players are still fooled by fake flashes is a testament to how retarded they are. All you need to do is point & shoot. The moment you do one step of lateral thinking: you win.
Fighting games no contest. You have to be faster and think faster. You have to ake more decisions and have many more options. Many more matchups to learn too. FPShooters are fun but they don't compare as far as how much skill is required.
Found the shitter. Hows it feel to be trash at everygame you play?
>don't have retarded hitboxes
step into the bathroom
Modern games rely on you to wait for the opponent to fuck up instead of making your own opening like good games used to allow
>genre dominated by niggers
So much for your theory :^)
>not quake
user, you had one job.
In order for a game to be competitive people need to compete in it first
He's right tho. Most just play pussy and wait in cover for the kill in spots that the other team needs to pass
>dead game
>1v1 vs 5v5
entirely different type of FPS
Quake is even less IQ since a lot of weapons have splash damage so you can shoot the ground and kill someone lol
When you fuck up in FG, you lose.
In order to lose in FPS, your whole team has to fuck up at same time.
Give me all of you bait,
it's delicious.
conversely someone has to play much harder to win if his team sucks
FPS you just point a gun at someone and click the mouse. Fighting games require chess levels of intellect as you have to use mind games to condition your opponent into doing what you want.
I think that we all, except CShitters, agree that quake is one of the hardest FPS to play. Shame Arena-fps is not popular these days
Very true, but I am simplifying my statements to avoid having endlessly in-depth discussions. I mean, if you have fully downloaded your opponent, you do not really rely that much on instinctive reaction anymore to win. I feel like a lot of (modern) fps are split-second reaction difference between killing someone and getting killed. Of course tactics and opponent knowledge plays a role, but there is so much down-time compared to actual confrontation compared to FG's that it does not really count IMO.
If you look at pro players of both genres it is easy to tell which one requires a higher iq
I'm pro at both CS and Tekken 7. CS skill usage is very limited even if it's a team game. Fighting games have too much mechanics and shit you have to think about.
>Daigo even mentioned that really as he got older his reflexes aren't much worse
Well he's either oblivious to it because he plays daily and doesn't notice the long term degradation, or he's lying to keep up his image. It is a scientific fact reaction slows with age. Unless the third case that he's just a bizarre statistical anomaly is at play here. But yes if you practice daily you can mitigate the damage, but for people who play casually they are going to suffer at reaction.
Unplugging and selling your vidya
FPS titles definitely are more of a bitch to be good at. Being good at fighting games feels fucking good. Being good at an FPS feels like you're living a lie every time you get domed by a 14 year old who peeked at the right time. I think arena FPS titles are more comparable because when you build a solid foundation it's very hard to "accidentally" lose
youre not pro you retard
>local man comes dangerously close to realizing he isn't as smart as he believes
Fighting games, RTS and arena shooters are peak skill
and that has what to do with IQ?
It depends on the FPS.
In general I feel that Fighting Games have a higher skill ceiling, not only due to the execution required but also adaptation to your matchup, knowledge of the characters, analyzing of frame data etc.
I would argue however that AFPS games do require more skill in some regards. Games like Quake are pretty much the pinnacle of skill based shooters and require super precise aiming, map memorization, item spawn time memorization, spacial awareness etc. I would also like to add that even mastering the movement in AFPS games can take hundreds of hours. If you don't believe me, look up HAL_9000 playing CPMA.
the top fighting game player is a gay furry negro
>Well he's either oblivious to it because he plays daily and doesn't notice the long term degradation, or he's lying to keep up his image.
Considering he still places top 8 nah he is good as ever. Can't really pretend in an open bracket
Would you rather fight against a Navy SEAL with a sharp knife or outbox Muhammad Ali? That's how I see it. In fighting games, you can just simply be beat into the turf over and over and over, literally thousands of rounds, because you don't have that X-factor (lol) to take down a skilled player in one exchange. In FPS titles, at least in something like CSGO, there's a chance with high lethality to get lucky. I don't think that makes one harder than the other but they're different types of hard.
Top 8, sure, but how many times is he winning 1st? He's not the SF god he used to be.
guilty gear is ded :'C
because of human interactions which is impossible task for Yas Forumsigger