Why can't video games be considered art?
Why can't video games be considered art?
The element of play.
Videogames, and play in general (the active, creative, explorative type of play, that you have to engage in in order to experience a videogame), are seperate from art. Sort of like sports, but a little different.
Videogames are a unique new phenomenon in history. People assume that because games are games they are lesser than what we consider to be art, but that's a matter of culture and is changing.
I think games are better than art. The image you posted, and that game is beautiful. Still very much a game, but that game is, without irony, better than most modern art pieces.
consider them art and they will be.
Why do you stupid faggot always need others to do everything for you?
They are.
The (very stupid) mistake people make in this "debate" is thinking that all art has to be deep and high-quality.
Is this game still worth playing if I have the PS2 version?
If I play Chopin and decorate the walls with Monet, does it make my room art while we play a game of chess in it?
People want games to have the respect that comes with the category of "art" with no regard to the total devaluation of the term that happens when everything can be labeled art.
They are art
Why is this even a debate
Games are games, and will always be.
The fact that they are games will always supersede any artistic quality they might have, so that they will always be games before they are considered "art".
Why about movies with viewer input like Bandersnatch?
What about CYOA books?
You can argue that they are art, but in the same way that chess is art.
>Why can't video games be considered art?
Because """art""" today is so shit that it would be insulting to video games.
Well, that image says it all. If you perceive something as art then it is art.
When people say games aren't art, they are saying gamers aren't playing them to experience art. They are not criticizing the medium, they are criticizing gamers, or more accurately, the gamer stereotype.
Games with story are long distance plays. Everything is already set by the director-developer, you just have to do your part. That's the only way they can be art. (Some) games are theater.
Grow up, bro.
Because they're made for profit.
>he cares about whether something is considered art or not
trying to make the most out of your liberal art degree huh
I can't make sense of your reply. Nothing I said is zoomer-like.
>they are criticizing gamers, or more accurately, the gamer stereotype.
I would rather own the gamer stereotype than have my hobby be considered "art" and worthwhile in modern "culture"
Fuck modernity.
"Art" means nothing.
they can and are. seems like a dumb thread
Based Okami post.
Okami is art.
Idiots. Vidya is a mix of various arts. It has visuals, music and other stuff that is considered art. Vidya is art the same way movies are and literature.
fuck you. Videogames 4 lyfe
It very well depends on what you mean by art, doesn't it.
If you mean to say a thing created by one or more people that makes you feel a certain way, yes, they are art, and they can make you feel some very unexplainable things.
If we're talking the kind of shit that a critic would say is art and then throw in an art gallery so some rich dude can launder his money, then no.
Videogames can be the second type too
What do we even consider art? It used to just be an object created by human that took extraordinary skill to create, like a sculpture, a painting, or a book. That was a perfectly logical and very decisive stance: it took Michelangelo incredible talent and thirty years to paint Sistine chapel, therefore it's art; it took my technology teacher a glass of scotch and five minutes with a milling machine to make a chair leg, therefore it's not art. Now people say art is something that elicits an emotional response and that's the most meaningless definition possible, because everything has equal ability to cause an emotional response and not do shit purely based on a specific person's subjective attitude.
There's been plenty of games whose development was used to launder money.
But sports can be considered an art, or an artform. A cross counter or a suplex or goal can be a beautiful thing to watch.
What games?
We usually call those triple A games
Dance is not art
Music is not art
Writing is not art
I hate when people try to argue vidya as an art form by showing games that mimic other mediums.
>muh Okami pretty painting!
>Uncharted wow so cinematic!
>Planescape muh story
Doom: Eternal portrays vidya as an art form better than movie/book games.
Art is an entirely reflective thing. People have created innumerable works over the course of human history, some of those things managed to be so incredible that they became famous and remembered, looking back at the selection of those special things scholars decided to group their study in a single term of "art", and then retards without understanding that qualification of art can only be determined by its longevity started trying to make or find art in modern day, so they just tried to copy the superficial aspects of those things that made up art, and long story short we ended up with fucking post-modernism.
Fuck anyone who thinks art can be determined or created from today's media products, whatever thing from today will be looked back upon in a hundred years is art, it could be Okami, it could be Avatar, it could be 50 Shades of Grey, we have no possible way to know, just like people a hundred years ago couldn't know which of the thousand things made in their time would be art to us.
Devil's Third comes to mind, its development was used to launder some Russian oligarchs' money.
But Eternal fucking sucks. Its utter inconsistency in every aspect completely forebodes it from being anything above instanced Fortnite-tier entertainment. Original Doom can be art, because all of its elements work in conjunction to create consistent immersive interactive experience that video games are, Eternal just falls apart.
Are board games art?