Some man drew this

>some man drew this
>other men put it in a game
>editors, directors, ethic's department were fine with this
>it shipped like this
>it was put in game stores
>men bought this
This is why the gaming industry needs to be fixed

Attached: 1586229228237.jpg (850x1218, 185.55K)

Other urls found in this thread:

tsunako is a woman

>drawn by men
But thats where you're wrong

agreed, every game needs at least 1 lewd loli

Yeah, eating food in the bathtub is fucking unsanitary, I really don’t understand how they thought encouraging that sort of behavior is okay

For me, it’s Noire!

Attached: AF4990AE-EA5B-423E-B344-C76F7B0795E5.jpg (1920x1080, 394.95K)

The artist is a woman.

I mean you might not like how Tsunako looks but she isn't a man user.

Attached: 6f6d49835d87707cae45eb0ccdbc3f539df64e79_hq.jpg (576x1024, 66.2K)

You got a problem with my art, biiiiiitch

Attached: 35641.jpg (360x360, 15.09K)

>some men drew this
Already wrong you retard, but I bet you knew that before you made the thread.

Attached: tsunako and naoko.jpg (800x600, 144.9K)

No, this is absolutely OK. What needs fixing is the western faggotry of extreme political correctness.

The twins are the sexiest.

Attached: race queen twins.png (1920x1080, 2.6M)

>race queens
Isn't the subtext of race queens that they're supposed to be, like, sluts?

You're free to go back to wherever you came from.

there's nothing wrong with cunny

I'll take IF instead tyvm


>baiting to make a vidya bread
The absolute state

Iffy is too big and she's basically a skeleton, twins are small and juicy in the right places.

Attached: rom ram.jpg (4877x6950, 2.42M)

Surprisingly much of the lewdest cute and funny games/characters are drawn by women

gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8.8

>other men put it in a game
what game is this in?

Yeah, I remember a thread on /jp/ about how most loli ero authors are actually female.

That's only in their disgusting transformation. They're delicious formless untransformed. Fucking hags lover.

Tsunako isn't a man retard

>some man drew this
nice b8 OP

Hmm since OP didn't get many replies, let me inform you that the artist is IN FACT a woman and not a man. Now you know.

I like these two dorks.

Attached: 154356662.jpg (919x1297, 166.42K)

If you don't like fat loli ass then you might have the worst taste in the world.

what n stands for?


Why yes, I love lolis in my video games, how could you tell?

Attached: 1586142420637.png (693x601, 259.34K)

I need those pictures she mentioned for science purposes

You seem the type to need to be told many times so here it is again, that artist is a WOMAN.

>spanking each other
Um Noire...

>>some man drew this
>>other men put it in a game
great isnt it? all we need are men
women should be lifestock and treated like animals

You really don't understand the miracle that's happening here do ya. At any point on this chain, any retarded faggot, any outraged tranny, any feminist whore could have cleared xirs throat audibly and said, "excuse me you can't do this", and it all, all of it, in its entirety, would have been dismantled never to see the light of day. What you're looking at is incredibly fragile, it's barely smoldering coals that these people had to protect from the merciless weather so that you too could partake in their gentle warmth. It's a beautiful coincidence of nature that it was made in the first place, a coincidence on the scale of our planet ending up in the habitable zone of a main sequence start and having enough water, a magnetic field, and daily rotation. This is a miracle of life itself you're looking at, don't you dare to diminish it.

>dont like it, dont buy it
Im not even a lolicon, but I'm not gonna take away another man's God-given right to it

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