Start hard mode

>start hard mode
>it's actually managable and fun
>bosses have entirely new attacks
>characters have new voice lines
Say what you want about the story but this game is actually amazing

Attached: 3532489-final fantasy 7 remake.jpg (1924x1080, 656.28K)

>can only access it once you beat the game once

Why do devs keep doing this
Fuck you all this should be illegal

what kind of new lines?

I don't think its new lines, they went with the Rockstar route of having different voice lines so retrying parts isn't annoying because there is new shit to hear.
Replayability, which is unfortunate. The worst part is 7 Remake has multiple side quest branches, you don't get access to all sidequests in Wall Market for instance in one playthrough. I didn't get the whole Johnny sidequest but I've seen it on streams. Its like you randomly get these 2-3 or these other 2-3.

And if you want all dresses you have ti play chapter 3, and 8-9 a third time. Have fun.
Maybe even more if those influence chapter 14's scene as well.

Nah they are definitely new lines. In the first chapter anyway. When you unlock Barret for the first time Cloud tells you that you need to learn how to aim if you miss the sentry to the right. During the scorpion fight they banter a bit about how hard it is to kill this scorpion. I didn't hear any of that when I replayed the demo a bunch.

Its a good game if you ignore the story and the bad textures and bad NPC animations specially their mouths.
I hope the PS5/PC release fixes that

>>bosses have entirely new attacks
>>characters have new voice lines

I think the gameplay and story are great.

Because hard mode isnt meant to be just a hard difficulty. Every boss is powered to require level 50 to beat. Hard mode from the beginning woulndt make sense.

oh shit is that why there were all those people who were clearly sick but I couldnt do anything with? what a weird choice


>bosses have entirely new attacks

sephiroth has Scintilla from Dissidia on Hard mode

Hell House can spawn tonberries and gets sweeper ads in the final phase on hard mode

>Hell House can spawn tonberries
That sounds fun

scorpion sentinel also has a summon bar now


You can go a good chunk without level 50 though. I only hit 50 when I was already in chapter 6 on hard.

yeah until they instantly fucking kill you lmao

it is a way to explain that its the post game content rather than just another difficulty mode.

>secret boss is hard mode only

So, should I grind up to 50 before starting hard mode or do you just start out at 50?

Just finish the story and go do hojo's simulator challenges. You'll probably be 45~50 by the time you complete all of them.

This, all of those are actual valid criticism and yet the game is still really good. I'm sick of all the jaded fucks spewing mindless hate, they're just as bad as the corporate shills they despise.

Just go right in, you won't be 50 but you get a lot of experience and you'll be hitting 50 soon enough. The first hurdle won't even appear until chapter 9 and by then you'll be 50. Or play VR first.

Where's a good place to level materia?

Which one?

Really just ignore the ending.
The story has problems thanks to the ghosts but it's the end sequence that causes it to become unbelievably retarded, all so they can ass pull a way to save Aerith or introduce compilation content.

Assuming he's talking about Pride and Joy.

Pride and Joy Prototype. There are also a few simulations you can only do in hard mode.

sales must be really low
the shilling campaign is still in full force

>you don't get access to all sidequests in Wall Market for instance in one playthrough

Really what else is there then?

>people enjoying game
>they must be shills
your life must be pathetic bro

beginning of chapter 16. clear the garage over and over on Easy

>fans enjoy a game
Must be shills!

Why is there barely any real opportunity to grind in this game?

Going back through areas you’ve already done give you like 2 shit enemies per battle

>difficulty locked behind post game
Devs should be hanged for this.

What is wrong with you?

It's only bad considering just how long it takes to level some Materia. I'm at chapter 10 in hard mode and still don't have a single HP Up maxed, even though I used it for the majority of the game.