Meanwhile in 2000's Yas Forums

Meanwhile in 2000's Yas Forums...

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Other urls found in this thread:

In all honesty what do you think killed Yas Forums?


This would have been called cringe, reddit, and other buzzwords if something similar was made using current memes.

Mix of mods being shitty and outside media

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>In all honesty what do you think killed Yas Forums?
The users

Became too popular, it was better when it was a sekret club for outcasts and miscreants.

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Reminder that Yas Forums was never good

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moot leaving
2016 election
the boomer meme

Day Carts

The 2016 election was definitely the finally straw


Phone posting

Now that's a word I haven't heard in a long time

way too popular with 0 filtration
Then again making people sign on to a website made famous for its anonymity kinda defeats the purpose

Politics and outrage. I miss waving off unrelated shit as moralfaggotry or doing stuff solely for the laughs under lucricities.

This This This This This. Anyone who says anything different is a certified newfag.


normalfags learning of the internet
people taking jokes too seriously
people not ignoring people who take jokes too seriously
Yas Forums

Gamergate was the worst hit, and the 2016 election was the coup de grace.
Both situations were fairly similar in that they encouraged crossbreeding with other websites (namely Reddit, but others may also be counted in) and allowed the creatively bankrupt into Yas Forums. Why do you think most of Yas Forums is the same Pepes being reposted over and over? They're all fucking phoneposters. They can't just whip out GIMP or Paint and draw some OC. So they just repost the same shit constantly.

the internet being fully colonized and not a wild west anymore. back when cp posting was a usual thing and you could download limpbizkit.exe off limewire

It's also harder to type out a proper response or argument on a phone which is why so many dumb simple buzzwords popped up


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>way too popular with 0 filtration

missing wolf, try again

this was all pretty cringe tbqh

Honestly Yas Forums has been better now than it was in 1997.

It wouldn't be so bad if accounts were required but you were still anonymous to everyone but the admins (jannies still don't get special). Bonus points if you have to wait a couple of months after account creation to post The kids would be filtered out by need of an email because most of them are too stupid to make one, the retards would be filtered out when their account gets banned, and everyone else will just have multiple accounts in the background.

>join guild in mmo in 2015
>its pretty normal and relaxing just hanging out with the guys and having chill discussions about the game and other interests
>as the 2016 election approaches more and more people I knew started posting dumb Yas Forums shit from Yas Forums and Yas Forums as if it's the funniest shit they've ever seen in their lives
>the guild becomes a full Yas Forums Yas Forumsreddit guild in less than 2 years with the same people giggling as another is spamming nigger in voice and communicating in memes along with retards posting urls from Yas Forums Yas Forums or Yas Forums while circlejerking about how hilarious a meme is
>end up gquitting because they can't hold a normal conversation without sperging about chinks, niggers, or women because their entire boring lives are based off of this website

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Which one do you enter a romantic relationship with that may entail sex but is not specifically built around only that.

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The road's end does look bleak anons, but let's not let that ruin the fun we had on the journey

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Thank God for wojaks, pepes, and all their derivatives. There's plenty of websites that still use outdated as fuck cringe memes like longcat, motivational posters, etc. OP, why don't you go there?


Reddit unironically killed Yas Forums because it made people care more about "belonging" to a board culture that isn't worth two fucking shits rather than just posting cool and funny shit on here.

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Redditors and SJWs

Go back



Minami, Misao, and Nanako best girls

>Reddit spacing