ITT: Games that aged poorly
ITT: Games that aged poorly
second one is golden though
tried to play old Tomb Raider games
holy fucking shit the control are unbelievable bad, that was why i never cared to finish them
>filtered casuals
The controls are perfect as the entire game is designed around them.
Any of these
Your mom lmao
I only completed the first two and Chronicles. Something about 3 and Last Revelation filtered me and I never felt the desire to finish them. It wasn't the controls though.
shitty meme
It's the other way around, HL2 is shit while HL1 is tolerable and at times even fun
Her ponytail always made me happy.
but it looked like that when it was born
looks like pure soul to me
How did Super Metroid and SotN age poorly? Did you just want to post your image again?
I used to be pretty good at the games as a kid, but after coming back to them all these years later, I'm 200% unimpressed at how shitty and clunky the controls are
still not fun to play dumbass.
Oops sorry forgot to add
>pic unrelated
Fun fact all the 3d models in TR are actually made of pure soul essence and not polygons like today. Its a lost tech. Thats why walls sometimes shake when rotating camera.
Lack of Z-buffering is pure soul
3 probably was the one who threw most bullshit at you. It's the kind of game you will die because you didn't play it before.
games dont age, only people do
thats why sometimes you dont enjoy a game as you used to
I was going to say how the fuck did you sit through Chronicles and not 3 or TLR, but then I remembered that 3 has those awful difficulty spikes and TLR is a great game but it's very easy to get lost.
lol this game looks like utter shit. glad i was born in 2001 after the videogame prototype age when technology was too shit to make playable games.
Low quality bait
ok boomer. you're just mad u grew up with garbage like that instead of actual great games like Halo 3 or CoD4
Fuckin brainlets, enjoy the invisible walls and massive magnets of the new ones
games don't age they become dated
this was the shit once
What a fag
This, I love the controls on the old TRs.
Wrong. It was always a bad game.
i miss the grid based platforming games, i wish someone would make another. can't stand all of the magnetic bullshit climbing now, it sucks.
This is bait but an actual zoomer would be disgusted with halo 3's dated graphics and controls.
How has TR aged poorly? Because you aren’t willing to spend 15 minutes to learn a new control scheme?