Mass Effect Thread

>siding with space gypsy's

Is there anyone who actually does this?

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I don't even remember which option I chose. Probably to make them work together...

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Hey. I don't have much interesting to contribute to the thread other than I thought about playing ME2 again, have it on PC, but played the 360 version a few years ago
Installed, and found out you had to go through EA Origins or something to get the DLC, tried to get my DLC but kept having timeout errors when trying to connect, so I uninstalled the game and gave up the notion.
Anyway, love the ME games. Only played ME1 with my friend who owned it, so probably didn't experience half the game, but it was really comfy. Esp. exploring planets together.
ME2 is probably my favorite, but ME3 has some great moments with ED and Garrus, and the combat was really fun.

Can't help you on the DLC problems, since I just pirate the game...

If I were to pirate the ME2 DLC, how would I go about that?
And if I install pirated DLC would it fuck up my game if it tries to connect to EA?

Just pirate the whole game with dlc. user... I assume you know how to pirate...
I mostly pirate because I want all DLC and also Oirgin fuck with mods so it's more of a hassle. And I don't think BioWare deserves money now.

I don't really know how to pirate. I'm retarded

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Origin is cancer. Try running Origin and loading up the game with your internet turned off, if it's not online it might not check for the dlc

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Well fuck, I'm too busy to explain. But you could just get qbittorrent and then look into main torrent sites. Maybe on 1337x. Old game like ME2 should be on most sites.

thanks. I know how to torrent, really just don't know where to torrent from. thank u

Between Geth and Quarians? Quarian all day baby. Geth lore was completely butchered in ME3 and the only way to resolve that is to assume they’ve been indoctrinated and 80% of what they’re saying is bullshit. The only right option is to kill Legion. “Upload the reaper code to give us all individual intelligence”, yeah I’m gonna hard pass Legion. Last game you told me you didn’t want that shit.

I looked it up on 1337x and there are plenty uploads of it. I'm personally replaying ME1 right now. Missed my waifu Liara...

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Never. It's either both or just the Geth if i'm doing some sort of weird role-play.

Side note: The EDI and Joker romance was fucking weird and dumb, they should've had a hint of *something* between EDI and Legion if anything, or maybe just nothing at all because they're fucking machines. Let Joker have a shot at one of the other crew-members that you aren't pursuing (like how Tali and Garrus or James and Ash can have something if you aren't involved with any of them) don't stick him with the fucking ship AI.

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>because they're fucking machines.
They are AI.

They are also technically both "machines". My point stands though, having Joker and EDI "romance" was weird and made no sense.

What does the 'A' stand for again?

Yeah, whatever. Plenty of people have robo fetish. As for EDI, we have no idea how it works for her since this is all just a fiction. Maybe they can develop feelings like that, who knows.

>Plenty of people have robo fetish.
Define "plenty". As far as I am aware there's a tiny minority of weirdos who want to fuck a hunk of metal and plastic and then there's everybody else.

Plus it's a disaster waiting to happen, if your pilot and ship ever break up then everybody is fucked.

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Let's face it, EDI is the best Joker's gonna get. Probably the extra kink in sort of fucking the ship you pilot.

>EDI is the best Joker's gonna get.
That's sad. He's funny and has a good job, he should be able to do better than fucking his work computer and its robot body. If Jacob can get a waifu then Joker should have no problem.

Thread theme:

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This seems to always be the thread theme. I don't mind.

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Favorite classes? For me it's:

1: Adept (stunted cooldowns + ragdoll = based)
2: Sentinel (tanky shield and good mix of powers)
3: Vanguard (charge + nova angryvanguard build)

I think having some sort of biotics is crucial to getting the full experience. My least favorite class in all 3 games is Engineer, just seemed totally boring.

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Mostly, I just play Soldier because I want more health/better armor and assault rifles. Usually bring Liara (always bring her on main missions, since she's my LI) and someone with tech skills.

Soldier is always a decent choice in all 3 games, I just find it a bit boring. I like it for insanity in ME1 though, having Immunity is a lifesaver.

Bonus power: Electronics (to strip shields)
Squad: Liara (for biotics) and either Garrus or Wrex depending on whether there will be geth or not.

It's also extra fun in ME3 thanks to the time dilation power and the fact that you don't really need to worry about cooldowns so you can bring a bunch of weapons and just go crazy.

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I could live with the romance if they hadn't used it as an excuse to put EDI in a sexy robot body and replace one of the ME2 squad mates with her.

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It's been a long time since I replayed 2 and 3 so I kind of forgot the details of combat. Still replaying 1. Janky movement is annoying and sniper rifles shake way too much (on the other hand I remember loving snipers in 2 and that's odd since I usually don't like snipping) but otherwise it's fun. I don't play on a very high difficulty though.

Yeah i'll agree with that, having her as a squadmate was trash and I would've traded her for any ME2 squadmate in a second.

If you ever do play 1 at higher difficulty, the most important thing is to always bring Liara, her biotics are crucial to combat.
-warp to kill immunity spamming enemies
-throw, lift, singularity to get enemies (especially krogan and juggernauts charging you) off the ground
You can pretty much do whatever class you want (though some are a chore if you can't get the DPS up, especially on insanity) as long as you've got Liara.

How do I make a decent looking femshep in 1? Is even worth playing as femshep?