
So, I just finished pic related for the first time and the entire time I was thinking: what the fuck happened to video games in the last 20 years. I can't think of any game that's come out in the last 5 years that is any where near to the story telling and atmosphere of silent hill 2.
Is it simply greed and the onslaught of graphicsfags?

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Silent Hill 3 is a better game and Heather is a better protagonist.

Killing cultfaggots > Therapy torture session for pussies. Note how many shy and meek faggots like James and his suicidal tendencies over better Silent Hill protagonists.

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Giving consoles good internet connection was a mistake.

it ain't that deep

thats not the point

Of all franchises, why would you want to start shit on SH? I guess it's fun to shitpost. But I feel like this is the only (you) that you'll farm shitposting that way

I just hate 3 because Heather keeps breaking the immersion for me, that and the fact they killed Harry

Consumerism as a whole.
Same shit happend to cinema too.

The days where a investment company would just make a gamble and give talended devs a bunch of cash to go make their dream project are over.
Nobody wants to fund a new revolutionary ideas, they only latch on them when these ideas become HUGE, like minecraft and battle royale, they don't pioneer that stuff aynmore.

It think it hard to create such atmosphere with the graphical advances with made.
plus a lot of writers have giving up

I agree sir

Videogames became too big of an industry for their own sake. I had the same feeling playing that series for the first time a few years ago. After finishing SH1 i thought that they don't make them like this anymore.

Simply put, the industry became too successful for its own sake. It's way more difficult to justify making a risky expression of creativity because shit's way more expensive today, and also can make potentially much more money than before, so investors don't fucking care about muh unique experience.

Also there's the indie scene but even now you can't compare an indie studio with the whole team Konami put together for that videogame back then. It's like movies in the 50s, it was the golden age and it's never coming back.

I'm glad i experienced vidya during 90s-mid00s because that's not coming back. At least nintendo keeps investing AAA money in gamey games every couple of years.

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It is deeper than fags on here say.
More fun sure, but the cult story is really dry compared to the psych horror

I think a big problem is the people who wrote the original classics are till working. Ibexpet people to have 1 or 2 really good concepts, but then we put these guys in charge of video games and 30 years later everything is shit.


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That's true. People don't always have an endless supply of good ideas. Sometimes they give all they got right away. The considerate ones step aside after that.

SH3 is too repetitive and bland, not that it's a bad game

It's just too much of "all rooms are the same, all doors are locked"

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The first review I saw of Silent Hill 3 was titled "The Lock is Broken and I Can't Open the Door"

The Silent Hill community is one of the most autistic fanbases that exist. People who love SH3 shit on SH2 because it's widely regarded as "the best SH has to offer".

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Have you played Pathologic 2?

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Pandering to the masses. Every kind of game these days is made to mass appeal to maximize profits. And as such devs stick to "What works" and rarely strive to try something different. Also the whole internet boom and all games needing an online mode or just be entirely online based

The horror genre in general has gone to absolute shit in the past 20 years. Stories about exploring deep and unsettling themes using elements of horror fell to the wayside and gave way for boring mindless jump scare simulators that are easier to churn because they don't require loads of thought and make more money on average anyways for the amount of effort required.

Reminder that silent hill threads are refugees for Junji ito threads.

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wish i experienced this game for the first time on medium instead of hard, kind of ruined the experience for me. the double pyramid boss takes 100+ shots....only way i beat them was by cheesing them with the great knife, wish i knew that before i wasted 2 hours

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I never found SH2 scary aside from that prison area, they give you way too many ammo and health drops and most of the enemies very easy to kill

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