*underworlds into your base*
*underworlds into your base*
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>plays the shittiest Age of game after 3
Fuck you buddy myths are cool
But AoM isn't
>hes a historyfag
What don't you like about it?
Is this Age of Mythology? I've wanted to play that game for a while.
>Dude what if you can just BUILD infinite underworld passages AND be able to see the entire map layout at the start of the game AND have godpowers which you can use more than once AND be completely overpowered against myth units and titans?
>unbalanced as fuck
>shitty units
>laughable campaign
>laughs in Isis
You're not spawning that thing within siege distance of my buildings.
>Dude what if you just like....geez I don't know, win right away?
The expansions suck. Yes even Titans.
I'll give you one and three, but the units are not shitty. Do you not enjoy minotaurs, triremes or fenris wolves? What does that even mean man
fucking love this game. too bad the chinese expansion was utter shit
But the titans campaign was ludo
Atlantis isn't canon in my book. Haven't even played the chinks but they don't belong anyway
It means that I don't like cyclopses that sound like retards through a walkie-talkie
How did the main campaign manage to be this good?
>The expansions suck. Yes even Titans.
the titans arent that bad actually. its really just the chineese one that isnt any fun
>cherrypicking units and ignoring all the memorable quotes
I still dont get why the chinese expansion was made in the first place. It was made like a decade after the game came out and it basically only reused almost all of the assets.
Just make a sequel.
>play islands
>ai is too stupid to emigrate to other islands
>spends remainder of their money on titans and everything is a standstill at that point
I sucks being Eggy and having to deal with Medusae/Mummies/Argi killing your expensive shit
AoM is literally the second best Age game. It's also the best for newcomers to the RTS scene
I dont either, I also dont know why they had to change the rock paper scissors format of all the basic human troops just made shit confusing and retarded. Like a lot of the myth units looked cool but were really shitty and then you had to use gay gardens to generate ALL of your resources which was boring and at times really broken.
I have no idea why mounted archers are counter cavalry that are weak to archers. And without going Bragi how the FUCK are you supposed to beat Chinese as Norse? You have no counter cav options and Cataphracts do bonus against infantry which is what you'll probably be focusing on.
nice bait
how would sex with that twink be like?
Nomad was the best map, everyone starting from scratch and trying to find the best spot to start
I think vindland saga is better. Fighting off skraelings while you settle their land is just too kino
The remastered game on steam is really expensive for the fact that it is such an old game.
Wait for a sale.
I'm really not a big fan of RTS games but i loved this