Do old people actually play vidya?

Do old people actually play vidya?

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>Trump's IQ is 104

half of the people on the board is evidence that they do


Man, that's lower than me.

Is that really surprising? Nothing about him says he’s anything beyond average

Your mom sure loves to play with my cock you little bitch boy :^)

How old are "old" people?

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>be high schooler years ago
>at friend's place, all his old relatives are over
>little old lady sitting in the corner with a DS, figure she's playing puzzle quest bullshit
>she's not
>she's rocking out fucking Sacred Stones
>she's on the mission where the twins reunite in the desert, so she's not slouching in progress
>"I like all the different coloured little guys"

Based grandma changed my life forever

Except it isn’t, he’s never officially released it

tremendous IQ

25 and up.

>lower than me

Ha kid, way to fuck yourself up

i want to molest those pits tbqhwyf

Hate to be the bearer of bad news pal but 104 is a bigger number than 80

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my age + 1 day

"Officially" he didn't collude with Russia either.

anything older than me

that's common usage in the u.s.a. you pedantic bitch

Nigga what source do you have for his IQ


Being rich will get you farther than being a genius ever will

I have savegames older than most people here

My grandpa 100% Side Pocket for the Sega Genesis

My dad uses VR to exercise indoors now. Counts as vidya i guess?

Does candy rush count? I see many old people playing it.

Except he didn't, you lunatic.

I don't think you know what that word means do you

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It's probably 101 and he'd call it "above average"

It amazes me how people stand by this clown.

Some yes but it's not yet the norm. I'd say in 2050 most old people will play vidya.
I bet they'll all be with their VR headset in retirement homes.

Take off the tinfoil hat, schizo

>arguing with fanatics
Stop. You will never change minds. Point. Laugh. Vote.

Unsurprising, these fucking niggers don't actually answer the question.

The answer is yes, old people play Skyrim.

Check out this video

It's 28D Chinee Chinkers bruh

Do young people actually play vidya?

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Occasionally you'll see a literal grandpa on twitch but it's rare, will probably be more common in the future when millennials and zoomers are grandpas.

The real question is: does Yas Forums actually play vidya?

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The fact that even Yas Forums clickbait ads have turned on him is not a good sign for this fellow.

Depends on how old is old.
My 61 year old mom plays Tomb Raider games on repeat in her free time, basically all of them (on PC).

Tbh all countries said they had it under control but them it derailed fast.

I think the way they play is to complain incessantly that the main characters is too white.

Yeah, let's get back to real news.
Like that the Jews are colluding with Hillary to take over the world through demonic rituals and pedophilia.

It doesn't amaze me as much as it confuses me. If I were a liberal goober who voted for a transwomyn president with blue hair who promised free college, free abortions, racists would literally be hung in the streets, and everybody gets sissy hypnosis in their highschool curriculum, and none of it happened, I'd be thoroughly upset. I wouldn't be raring up to vote for them when none of this happened, I'd be irritated and finding a new candidate. Flip the script and we have pic related, and significantly more, and yet STILL people are lining up to vote for his second term? I really need a good counterbalance to this literal failure of a president riding the wave of policies from the Obama administration into a success, and fucking up literally everything step by step the second a crisis happens.

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>but others

Not him but pointing at others to distract from ones own mistakes is never a good argument. And no not ALL other countries derailed fast but whatever helps you cope I suppose.

You're trying too hard, sweetie. You're not supposed to copy the whole thing.

>muh russia
His biggest donors are Israeli, you retard.

>copy the whole thing
I wrote every word of that you illiterate retard.

China and globalism is to blame, it don't matter who the president is the situation would be the same.

cringe tbqh