You want the truth? Here's the truth

There are currently three seperate Half Life games at various stages of development.

Getting the boring one out of the way, Half Life: Blue Shift 2 is essencially a simple expansion to HL: Alyx using some scraped ideas that didn't make it into the final game and won't fit in the other projects. It follows Barny very shortly after the Seven Hour War as he travels to City 14 after hearing that his wife may still be alive. At it's current state, the story is very weak, it has no Gman scenes, and is only about as long as Episode 2

The other two projects are Half Life 3 and Half Life 2: Episode 3. The latter is a non-VR direct continuation of the Half Life 2 story. It picks up with you and Eli entering the Arctic base to find the Borealis. After Gman took Alyx at the end of Episode 2, Eli has had a change of heart and instead of destroying it, intends to use the technology on the Borealis to destroy Gman and get Alyx back. There is a weird amount of Aperture Science schenanigans and slapstick for a Half Life game, including a prototype AI (not explicitly Glados but clear parallels) that essencially has multiple personality disorder due to having too many personality spheres infecting it's brain. I can't speak for this myself, but SUPPOSEDLY the vortigaunts are able to configure a found portal gun to enter and exit Gmans realm. Regardless of whether or not that's true, the game definitely ends with a second Resonance Cascade, likely due to the portal gun.

Half Life 3 on the other hand is infact a VR exclusive. I know much less about this one but you play as Alyx after being taken out of Stasis some time after the Borealis incident. Much like HL2 was to HL1, this game is meant to feel like an entirely new experience with a brand new setting, however I do know that you will be visiting both Xen and the Combine origin world.
In the script, Alyx remarks that she remembers both being taken at the end of Alyx AND at the end of E2.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Last couple things that didn't fit:
Both 3 and Episode 3 are supposedly meant to release the same day
Gordon WILL be in Half Life 3 in some capacity though not playable

didn't know you can store so much in an ass to pull it out from as a source

I fucking wish

Cool story bro.

>half life 3
don't you ever say that line again

>le HL3 memes
Oh yeah I can't wait to play a game with a protagonist that looks like a virgin Java programmer.

Let this garbage overrated franchise die already you insufferable retards.

You're epic

>Half Life: Blue Shift 2
Stopped reading there. Come back with better bait next time, fucking retard.

>Half Life 3 on the other hand is infact a VR exclusive
valve themselves said internally hl3 cant be vr otherwise the community will raise hell. Next time you pull shit out of your ass do some research

That's literally the one game that has definitive evidence for it though

When they said that they were talking specifically about the next chapter of Gordon's story iirc

Shephard could make a great protagonist for HL3 if they plan to go into completely new direction.

Attached: shep.gif (1000x1000, 3.77M)

Shephard is not canon.

Deal with it.

cool vlog, larper.

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That's not what LARP means

>He doesn't know

Some day

>ywn play opposing force 2 with shephard as a combine soldier

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Would be kino


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You will never not play as Gordon in a mainline numbered Half-Life game, you drooling retard larper.

According to you?

What about L4DVR?

They're also making Portal 3, and left for dead 3, and a portal 3 spinoff bro. So it's another three games.
They're also developing another three smaller games, so they can say they're making 3+3+3 games. And advertise as some stylised font 3*3 games.
They're selling it in three different packages.
One costs only 33.33 dollars, but you have to buy another three games on steam that cost at least 33.33 dollars (in which you will have a 3% discount though!); Another package that costs 333.33 dollars, that comes with all Valve games and there figurines (Alyx, Chell, and Gordon); and third pack costs 3333.33 dollars, comes with everything of the precious pack, and let's you fuck three times, three prostitutes that look exactly like Chell, Alyx, and Gordon.
Valve wants to fucking stuff their users with games with the number 3 so they shut the fuck up

They already set up Alyx as the protagonist for a jump in a new direction similar to the jump from 1 to 2.

Been abandoned for like a year or 2. Who knows if anyone is working on it now. Valve's current focus seems to be on trying salvage the fucking trainwreck of Artifact.



>Half Life: Blue Shift 2
kek made by who? gearbox?

Out of these three I'm most excited about BS2 to be honest. But it doesn't sound like a small project, considering all cities up to 15 are in USA, so a whole new asset set would have to be created?

Neither of them will ever see the light of day, as always

hmm are you okay user? Passive aggressive much? Yikes.


Fuck off vnn


I'll wait and see if this is true or not. If it's the latter then I'll nibble your toenails


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