New Switch Model found in 10.00

Ok, what's it gonna be this time?

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Hopefully one with a 1080p screen and accompanying updates for games.

>additional screen
holy shit day 0 if its clamshell

Clamshells are for trannies

They'll need to. I read an article that said that the games coming out on the PS5 and Series X will also be getting Switch support. But even I'm sure Nintendo wouldn't be able to pull this off last they packed a few more muscles inside of a better Switch.

So is everything, according to Yas Forums.

I need a Switch Pro. Playing shit like Divinity OS II and Witcher 3 on it at 480p are suffering. Just give me 1080p SOLID 30fps for handheld for fucks sake.


It's time

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They have to release a more powerful version. AMD has some interesting shit and it's been three years. Time for the Nintendo Switch Series S or whatever they wanna call it.

Well yea I finally bought one so of course they'd release an updated one soon.

>people are buying switches left and right
>they release a new model to fuck everyone over
yeah seems like something they would do fucking jews

glad i waited

>Xbox did it
>PlayStation did it
>Nintendo are the jews

This happens every time. You guys know Nintendo will release a revision, and yet everyone whines when it happens.
I've had mine for ages, I say bring it on. If it's good, I might consider upgrading.

They're also jews.

I wouldn't mind upgrading if I could transfer my system data over but knowing Nintendo they'd probably prevent that.


What about the wii u revision

>Gameboy colour
>GBA SP + Micro
>DS Lite + DSi
>New 3DS + New 3DS XL

The only upgrade that would make me consider buying a Switch is that online multiplayer is made free forever.
I don't own a PS4 or Xbone either.

Wii U flopped, they probably would have if it sold anything worthwhile.
Regardless I should say it differently: handhelds generally get the revisions. Gameboy, DS, 3DS, they all got it. Switch already had the Lite, another wouldn't be surprising. A Switch Pro has been rumored for years now anyways.

So this supposed new model is basically Wii U?

>hack the old one
>enjoy the new one


>knows as “nx-abcd”. Heskin further states that “3 of the 5 new DRAM profiles are for this new hardware type and there’s evidence of a secondary display of sorts being added exclusively on this model.”
Double garbage. Because the Lite just wasn't garbage enough.

How about a Pro console and those games you promised 17 years ago?

are you retarded
Switch Pro isn't going to be a power beast considering all games also have to work on the base switch.

You already can transfer profiles and save data across systems, including from a Switch to a Switch Lite. I think there's only like a couple games it won't work for, 1 being Animal Crossing, but they said they're developing a way to do that too.

I'm waiting for the switch 2 t.b.h

>it's a Switch x 3DS hybrid

might be cool

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Stop being retarded.
This. These people don't know what they're talking about.

No they don't.
Not saying I agree with that other user, but Nintendo has absolutely ZERO problem making games only playable on the newer system. See New 3DS

It will be as powerful as the PS4 maybe PS4 pro which still is 1080p 60fps, current switch barely can do 1080p with some games at 30fps

So where are the custom themes

right such as xenoblade 3D and...

How much upgrade the new model need to get more support from third party?

Switch won't survive next gen with just exclusive alone, it will be Wii U all over again

As of 2 years ago, there were a total of 51 titles. :)
Instead of admitting you're wrong, why do you double down?

name them

Switch already sold 50+ million copies
I don't think Nintendo cares about selling hardware anymore.

>how about a pro console
No one wants a more expensive turd that runs all games barely better while sounding like a jetengine.
Sonyroaches are mentally ill to ddefend that abotion insult of an "upgrade".

If metroid prime 4 happens to be a masterpiece, and lets say monolith soft new IP is also a master piece, and the next pokemon is actually good, believe me, it will sell millions, at least 10 million consoles

it's not going to be more powerful. right now it seems like it reuses the battery enhanced Switch's specs

what about SMT V

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>runs all games barely better

4K at 60-120 FPS is BARELY better than what the current Switch can do? Because that's the most likely goal of any Pro version

Xbox series X is infinitely more powerful than the base Xbone model. It just ran the game a lot better, but the base Xbone model didn't lose support either.

No idea as to what this is, but I will say this: The path forward for Nintendo needs to be iterations on the Switch. Make a Switch 2, completely backwards compatible with the Switch but far more powerful, gradually shift people over to it over the course of two years. After a few more years, make a Switch 3, same deal... etc.

>4K at 60-120 FPS

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Turn off the ray tracing feature of next gen games and you'll essentially have current gen games. Most PS4 games could probably run in Switch given Switch runs most engines. It may not run them at 1080p with high-med settings like Ps4, but it will still run them. Next gen will be the same given how popular UE4 is.

>considering all games also have to work on the base switch.
Just like all games had to work on base 3DS, right?

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I bet it's a little display on the dock

So...the "new" Switch is going to emulate regular Switch games..? Maxwell and Pascal are pretty different. You can't just load a game built for one architecture in to another.

An actual console, remove ON THE GOOOO~~ faggotry, more storage than my USB stick from 2005, joycons in the trash, pack in a pro controller, make the games look/run better, maybe an ethernet port. It's never ever going to happen, but they could, but they won't.

I don't have PS4 Pro either. I just don't want to pay $400 ($500?) for a horrible handheld that happens to hook up to a tv.

they can't stop the chinese hackers LMAO

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Not a exclusive, Nintendo is alone this generation

Did everyone forget the goddamn fiscal report which said they aren't having any new models this year?
We will be getting one eventually, but this is just future proofing

>See New 3DS
You mean the platform that got 0 support and nobody gave a fuck about its exclusives because devs kept making games for the base platform because it's fucking retarded to make exclusives for the "upgraded" version and miss out on all the sales from people with base models?


Would be a good way to incentive upgrading if it was free only for it.

Would make them all endlessly infinite bags of dicks but technically good business nonetheless.