The great debate

The great debate

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How about waiting for either of them to come out before making a judgement call?

Seething Snoy.

There is no debate Sony always wins

Whats there to debate?
If you dont have a pc or dont plan on getting one, get the Xbox.
If you have a PC dont get either one.

Sony, always.

>Sony, always.
>There is no debate Sony always wins

"always" , this is why you get shittier hardware

Console games are fucking garbage.

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Consoles: By the time you get any decent software, the hardware is ancient trash.

Sony didn't even bother this time around, they're launching out the gate trash, but because what does it matter?

I don't even care about the hardware. I fucking play ps1, ps2, snes and sega genesis games if it comes to consoles. The main problem with consoles is their devs are almost all AAA devs that are too afraid to experiment making games outside of the incestuous norm. The only thing of this gen vaguely interesting is red dead 2 and... maybe FF7R... yeah that's it. PC overlaps all generations of games that had fucking soul, and current devs are still making good games on STEAM. Consoles can only compete by appealing to normie drones.


if you choose sony you probably have 800iq and a 12 inch dick

if you choose xbox you probably have felony charges and are black

I would have bought an Xbone Sex without a second thought due to how abysmal Sony has became during last gen and their PS5 specs are a sad joke, if it weren't for the fact that Microsoft are lobotomised shit eating retards who in all seriousness are going ro release a console with a controller that still needs AA batteries in 20fucking20.

No excuse. Not even up to discussion. No other company does this anymore.

>The only thing of this gen vaguely interesting is red dead 2
Imagine writing all that passionate talk about generic AAA industry standard dreck and then naming Red Deadbeat Rehash 2 and FF7R as the exceptions.
Not even shitposting can reach such retarded lows.

I liked both so far. Xbox has brute power and strong.
PS5 will be more elegant and faster.
Both are big step for gaming. I will get both.

Both are shit for retards and niggers.


PS5 without a doubt
>muh specs
>muh trannyflops
Braindead retards who have no idea how hardware works and just see high number must be better

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The PS5 spec reveal really did a number on you guys, huh?

The original red dead was by far the most interesting open world console game rockstar put out, and that's because it's cowboys/western instead of urban carjackin.
FF7R is, well, a remake of a legendary classic ps1 game, and it's being played in the room next to me, so yea' it does get me curious despite all these bitches complaining about "hurr a remake of a traditional-style JRPG IS A FUCKING HALLWAY CORRIDOR BAAAAAWWWWW"
Stay mad, normie.

>muh serious dad corridor "games"

Only Sony consoles are worth owning.

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two geniuses in one picture. how lucky we are.


Growing up, I loved whatever hardware I was lucky to have, but there was always the top-dog system my parents couldn't afford. When I had a C64, I desired an Amiga. I had Genesis, but wanted a Neo Geo. Now, I have a PC and have done so for over 20 years - I'm already at the top of the food chain. It feels good to never desire something else because now I already have the best.
Join the Master Race console plebs.

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That's my experience also.
Only PC chads know the feel.


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I have 2 PCs. You may kiss my feet.

marginally better hardware vs significantly better exclusive software

>muh shooting and racing games

At least those are games.

>that pic
God, I hate my life

>better software
You havin' a laff, m8?

Sony exclusives have been shit for 5 years though.

Good to see microsoft is bringing some quality to this

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why do we sell more consoles every generation?

Because Xbone cost $100 more at launch for shittier performance.

It's not even a debate for me. PC+Switch+PS5. The Xbox continues to be a non-choice.


Get fucked.

Sex,, Sex - I want SEX

Ultimately if you're interested in playing multiplayer games and with your friends, what matters is whatever gets the larger install base.I have a feeling that PS5 will have a lot more players because they've been earning goodwill this generation and throughout most of their history as a brand.

Why, do you know that slut?



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Most niggers have Playstation tho

>PS2 inferior to Xbox (Xbox won online despite having sub fee)
>PS3 inferior to 360 (Xbox won online despite having sub fee)
>PS4 superior to Xbone (Xbox lost online due to the entire brand losing its mind)
>PS4 Pro inferior to Xbone X (who knows, niche consoles)
>PS5 inferior to Xbox SeX (?)

Not really, I already made my decision.

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Red Dead and final fantasy are normalfag tier, you mouthbreathing retard.

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duh, its obvious, moron

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>Prefers unreplaceable battery that starts out with a 4 hour life and gets worse
Ok sony is going to win if even Yas Forums nerds are this tech illiterate and retarded

>more elegant and faster
the controller looks retarded and the console will be slower. more power = more speed, genius

also gamecube box aesthetic cannot be beat