Why no ones tall about this utter failure of a remake

Why not just remaster a masterpiece instead of making an utter shit remake.

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Stupid ESL

Why do you think it's shit?

Really sorry about your ass, OP.

>Why no ones tall
they didn't eat their mako-infused veggies

No turn base fight, switching between characters, try to be a Dark Soul 4

the fuck are you talking about retard

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That's why it's called a remake. Would you rather just play the same game over again? I love the original, but I like what this brings to the table.

Can you read? Game sucks moneky balls

no we cannot read your garbled mess, ESL.

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Yeah your momma moneky balls haha just like Cloud

Can read English amerifat? Why they make shit remake when they could make based remaster

Then buy the original version, fuckwit.

>why try to do something new instead of giving me the exact same experience but with better graphics

nigga just download the PC mods that give you better models if that's all you want you shitskin dipshit.

>when they could make based remaster
Because the original exists already and it has been ported to literally every console out there already
You are asking to pay 60 dollars for the exact the same game for no other reason than pwetty graphics

Are you retarded?

Than why Dark Souls got remaster and not remake and remaster was success and FF7 failure?

English, motherfucker, do you speak it?

what does Dark souls has to do with anything? a lot of videogames have got remake when they could have done a remaster, and a lot of remasters have been done when they could have got a remake. It is just a random choice.

Also, it is not fair since Dark souls it is still pretty new nowadays, unlike ff7 which is old as fuck already

>FF7 failure?
Just because a small part of Yas Forums is constantly shitposting about FF7RM doesn't mean it failed. It's selling like crazy and is getting high praise from any relevant outlet or reviewer.

>sale makes it success
Cope Shill Enix

It's not perfect but holy shit, what retarded arguments.

But Barret is tall. Much taller than the original.

>Why no ones tall about this utter failure of a remake

Why ESL always make shit thread and butcher English?


>and he bring the shill card
Oh, its just one of those guys who will jump to another point the second he gets told, neverending tale if you argue with him.

Clearly you can't speak it well, fucktard.

>expecting a "then you know what im saying?"
you fucked up retard


This might have been insulting if I knew what the hell you meant.

Oh cmon who the fuck says "ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER, DO YOU SPEAK IT"
nowadays it is a reference

>anglo pretending to be esl to shitpost
This works EVERY TIME.

What country are you from user?


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