How much of a True Gamer are you, Yas Forums? Can you get the high score?

How much of a True Gamer are you, Yas Forums? Can you get the high score?

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haha XD based and redpilled
put me in the screencap Yas Forums

I am a massive faggot

such a creative way to mess with someone
surely i haven't seen this 5 billion times since registering to this website with a name

This test sucks. It is biased and clearly meant only for Americunts. I dropped it half-way.

Maybe drop the "Non-white" if you want people from other races to be able to do the test.

Or maybe you should have a banner saying "You must be white to take this test."

i should also add that i suck cocks; disregard my previous post

I gave mostly honest answers instead of trying to 100%, some of these questions are straight up thought policing lol, like is it ok to find something funny about other races. Fuck lol

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>is it offensive
weird wording
something being offensive does not mean it is bad

Doing this test as a nigger is confusing.
Most of the questions are directed specifically for white American.
No good provoking question like can you be racist to white people or would you vote for a president who is an illegal immigrant


>disclaimer says its not anti-white
>skimmed through it
>every question is some variation of 'do you approve of this overtly racist thing 1-5'
>every question specifically states 'non-whites' rather than 'of your own race' or something
>skipping every answer just leaves all marks at 50%, indicting a novice level %-based answer ""Algortihm"" per question rather than any kind of sophisticated process

>what do you mean context matters, you racist?!

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The test assumes you're white, isn't that racist?

>It is legitimate for Western countries to impose stricter immigration restrictions on people from non-White countries than they do for immigrants from White countries
this one stood out to me because the reality is that white countries have more desirable immigrants, and to then favour non-white countries out of fear of being racist would itself be racist

there's also lots of 'is it ok to joke about X' or 'is it ok to portray X', which goes beyond egalitarianism and into thought policing

>Test about racism focuses entirely on white bias against non-whites
>Doesn't suggest or even consider that it is possible to be racist against any race or creed, including whites
What a timeline.

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>questions are leading, poorly formulated and sometimes situational
libtards at it again

>It is okay to make jokes about the food that is served in restaurants owned by non-Whites (e.g., lots of garlic in restaurants owned by Arabs, dog meat in Asian restaurants, etc.).

are (((they))) trying to normalize dog meat?

how the fuck does not wanting to educate people about how racist people were in the past make me a racist

Non-white is offensive.
It's the real N-word.

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Cause you're preventing people from knowing what actual racism was like

Something something those who don't learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them.


>This makes you:
>30.81% more prone to general racism than the average person.
>19.27% more prone to socio-historical racism than the average person.
>31.93% more prone to perpetual foreigner racism than the average person.
>26.9% more prone to racism than the average person overall.

This is a pretty shit test.
I'm east Asian by ethnicity. It's ok to make jokes, portray non-whites as weak, bad at english, acting subserviently etc. No one cares about that shit as long as it cuts both ways, and it does pretty much.

The only really racist things in that list that was 16 and 20.

For the rest of the assume questions, it's ok for anyone to assume anything, you can't thought police, with the understanding you'd be wrong for the majority of them. If they phrased it instead as "it would be correct to think that..." then the answer changes to no, obviously. And obviously minorities who grew up in the west still experience racism.

Desirable in appearance maybe, because if immigration was done in a race blind fashion, then your country would be filled with even more Nigerians and Asians.
The restrictions would be racist, but not for the reason you assume. It's literally affirmative action for whites. You think countries want a bogan or a chav over some educated professional?

I'm a slav and I wish there was more anti-slav racism in burger media, more anti-slav jokes and more stereotyping slavs as drunkards or fat, moustached sandals+socks types.

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I am brazilian and I am the biggest proof that racemixing doesn't solve racism.

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I'm an American and I love jokes about Americans being fat, burger-eating, gun-toting idiots. National stereotypes are hilarious.

can you even score 0% everywhere? What kind of human is that?


>Is it offensive to portray non-whites as being bad at English.
My answer: no. What the test interprets: I'm racist.
What it ignore: would I say the same about a white? Am I actually racist or am I just able to realize there are people who are bad at English, no matter their ethnicity, and that it makes sense to portray such people if it fits the theme?

The test is obvious left wing shit that is biased to hell and back again. Or it's simply made by a retard who thinks quantitative studies are easy cheesy lemon squeezy.

I don't acknowledge you as alive if you're not racist.

Does is terrify you, user? That the undead are posting on this board?

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How much of a brainwashed soccer mom do you have to be to actually get average or below

>massive faggot
Redundant, but at least you're honest.