Playstation giving games for free
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neither of those are games
>movie games
>walking sim
This is the power of PlayStation whoa.............
should be perfect for Yas Forums then because this board hates video games
hahaha not even uncharted 4
Why give us these low tier walking sims, I want Death Stranding.
Wow, TWO free movies?
Thanks Sony!
it's 4 free movies, retard
free is free. thanks
Even better, thanks faggot.
Europe gets Knack 2 instead of Uncharted lol
uhh no we don't
Uncharted collection was ps plus like 2 months ago. So they really only gave out 1 game that month.
Uncharted 4 is a PS Plus game this month. The Drake collection alone is a pretty great deal. Yas Forums can try to shit on the series all they want but the Uncharted games have no equal.
>already got them from ps+
a bit of a kick in the nuts but whatever.
Not? Then it's only Germany? LOL
Playstation giving games for free? But playstation has no game
it's cause uncharted has a higher age rating or something.
Yeah but it's only 16, not 18. Weird. Seems to be the same for China.
Couldn't stand the first Uncharted. Is it like every Naughty Dog game where the first is shit but the sequels figure things out?
hey faggot nigger crash 1 is the best
in germany you need ps+ for free demos of mature rated games
so obviously they cant give you full games for free either
I loved 2. I couldn't even finish 3. Felt like they dropped the whole action thing for a more "cinematic" feel.
It’s only free if you’re time is worthless
Legit found it unplayable after the first world - but it was the remake version so I recognize the hitbox was a bit off.
Also I'll rectify my statement because the first Jak and Daxter was pretty great.
>Snoy's "serious dad" linear low-input movie shit
Pick one.
Pick one.
>Playstation giving interactive movies for free
ftfy, Snoy.
Yeah, am German. Was it always like this? I would understand it for USK 18, but 16?
i'm sure your time is very valuable
Fucking phoneposting.
wrong board faggot
Are they free to keep or only till may 5th?
also journey is like 1 hour long lol.
trash, not even for free.
>Giving away Journey right before the Steam release
fukkin lol
Uncharted Collection was on PS+ just this January.
why is this country so fucking autistic
buh buh buh based
Put me in the screenshot
Becuase Uncharted has skeletons they gave them Knack 2 instead too lmao.
We did it Reddit!
der funny mustache man trying to fight the international jews and losing. we were all rooting for you guys too. maybe next time, huh? chin up
This. Pisses me off. Should have been another game
Germany are even worse about violence in content than most other countries besides Australia. America is actually THE most violent country in terms of what we allow because we're lazy enough to assume an M ESRB rating will be obeyed and do little else beyond that. Japan literally sends us their Resident Evils uncensored while censoring it in their home land and Germany and the like. But if you have sexual content HOO BOY suddenly America flips the everliving fuck out about it.
You only have yourself to blame for thinking paid online is anything other than a ripoff
neat. I have Journey but went back and forth on whether I want to replay the Uncharted games so long after PS3.
I don't pay for that shit. I just want to point out how sly Sony is being.
What games
If The Last Of Us doesn't get a PC port I will find Neil Druckmann and twist his nipples.