Why did it have to fucking suck?

Why did it have to fucking suck?

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>"we" wanted
*hides thread*

Why did you have to make another thread about it?

Based Nomura dabbing on purist autists

>vidya threads are bad
Fuck off

what the fuck is N4G and why do we care about what journalists think

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N4G is a clickbait spam website that should be on everyone's google block filter.

Then make your own

Best game ever made. Couldn't care less what retards say, their trolling will never diminish from the game.

Because it's not the full remake

>Multiple overlapping threads about the same thing in a stream of nonstop 24/7 threads about the same thing are bad
FTFY, faggot

>People having different opinions from me must be trolling because it's physically impossible for anyone to dislike something I like

I'm playing it and enjoying it but man is it tailored for AC zoomers. So weird that they would called it a FF7 remake. It's more movie than game too.

But wojaks are ok

One additional sad thing is that I love the voice acting for the characters in my language and that virtually NEVER happens. I was planning on only playing the game in Japanese with subtitles but the voice acting in the trailers was so nice that I was considering doing two runs, giving both versions a shot.

Now it seems that it's all a waste. So much wasted talent just because of Nomura.

>Best game ever made

This is easily the worst video game ever created. This "game" can basically be summed up as padding and filler.

They took 5-minute "dungeons" from the original Midgar and turned them each into hour-long FF13 hallways. Even worse, they inserted all new "dungeons" (hour-long FF13 hallways) in between story beats where the original FF7 would have just moved on to the next story beat. It doesn't add anything to the story or game world. It doesn't flesh out the original Midgar. It's not even fun. You just go down some glorified decorated hallways and fight three guys at a time for 30+ hours. This is not fun. This is not a game. This is mindless, joyless, and a chore. I actually had to force myself to finish this awful slog.

The sidequests do little to break up the monotony--in fact, they amplify it. They are the most soulless, uninteresting MMO quests you can imagine. At some point I just stopped bothering with them because they add noting of value to this game. They are not fun or interesting.

This isn't Final Fantasy 7. This is Final Fantasy 13 loosely based on Final Fantasy 7. This game does not respect your time. Square Enix claimed that this remake was going to be episodic because the game world was going to be "greatly expanded" and "vast." Midgar is not expanded. It is padded. What happened here is that they decided from day one that they wanted to sell multiple games as "episodes," and then struggled to come up with filler content to stretch Midgar out to 30+ hours. And they couldn't even come up with anything fun. As I said, this is easily the worst video game I ever played in my life.

This is the most soulless, joyless corporate cash-grab ever created, it is a personal attack against video games as a medium, and it is a crime against humanity.

Drop dead.

Blame fags for complaining about short games. This is what you fags get.

>This "game" can basically be summed up as padding and filler.
WTF does this even mean? It's not filled with a bunch of pointless sidequests and backtracking like Xenoblade or FFXII.

>It doesn't add anything to the story or game world. It doesn't flesh out the original Midgar.
Why are you such a liar? Jesse and the middle class section 7 plate houses already expanded and made Midgar much better.

Is this the biggest bait and switch in video game history?

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>Best game ever made
I'm willing to accept people enjoyed it, but this shit has to stop.

speak for yourself retard

The game beautifully uses the Final Fantasy 7 iconography and does a great job covering the music of the original. It looks and sounds fantastic. The gameplay is not my cup of tea, personally, but I can see why many people like it. On the surface level, all the artists who worked on this mostly did a great job. However, beneath the surface is retarded bullshit that ruins the story, the original themes, the characters, the very soul of the game.

If this game had a competent director, it could've been amazing. But this game had Nomura.

it doesn't

>The game beautifully uses the Final Fantasy 7 iconography
That about sums it up. People would only see the positive part of this statement, but there's a clear negative part to it that I don't think they could understand even if you explained it slowly.

Does this game look any better on PS4 pro? I never bothered buying one, so just played on base PS4 and holy shit the texture work is beyond terrible. At first I just thought it was a pop-in issue, like surely this door texture will load, but no, nothing, just a grey blurry rectangle. Not to mention the NPCs all looking like horrible playdough monster with stiff animations. Set design is fucking amazing, and things taken as a whole can at times feel like a genuine, loving recreation of Midgar, but getting close to literally anything reveals how fucking sloppy it all is. If this ever does makes its way to PC at least there's a chance we'll get an HD texture mod.

I just wanted a proper remaster.

You probably mean that they use it to trick their audience. There was an amazing post yesterday of somebody explaining it perfectly. He described that people associate certain things they enjoy in a piece of media with a good time and companies use this effect to make people believe that they will enjoy everything that has that thing in it. The example he used was: "I enjoyed the first time I saw the millenium falcon so every movie that has the millenium falcon must be enjoyable".

I know the post. I made it

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This is correct. The original is still better by a million miles.

>best game ever created
Does anyone actually believe this? I mean I get that people like it but best game ever created?

He's probably being ironic, but lots of people out in the wild are saying these things unironically

>It's not filled with a bunch of pointless sidequests
Literally all of the sidequests are pointless MMO rat-killing quests.
>and backtracking
Many of the quests have you going back into the hour-long FF13 dungeons to either kill a certain monster or do some MMO fetch quest.

No, that's just one teenage faggot. I didn't blink even when they said BOTW was the best game ever made. It's just flavor of the season at most.


those are the same people who say these things about every new AAA release that is hot right now. it must be the best thing ever so they can feel good about their 60 dollar purchase.

Yeah unfortunately, this. I don't think I'll be playing the second game. Don't think I can force myself to go through this tedious filler bullshit again. I'll just watch the cutscenes on youtube next time.