She only dates White guys
She only dates White guys
would have made more sense if you posted ada
That's not Ada
even if she only dated white guys she still wouldn't touch you kek
This is a Final Fantasy board, cuck
She fucks Asians guys doesn’t she? There are pictures of the model and her boyfriend was Asian
He paid her. Nobody would ever fuck a gook
White guys like Leon
that's just because she hasn't experienced Black dick
Looks platonic and consensual to me. Lol
how did i know this was a eurasiantiger thread?
schizo jews are unsubtle lol
insecure af
Haha nope
Ada doesn't date
the genghis line got me dead
one of many brilliant superweapons within the asian male arsenal
Not even Asian but Yellow peril living in your head rent free.
Uh oh, ricebros...
>the war against white people isn't real
the fun part is that white people is still winning even when not even trying or being fussed about it (with Yas Forums exceptions or whatever)
White supremacists are not people
But only fucks black guys
>nigger men lowest response from everyone but niggers
>white women lowest response from literally anyone
>nigger women lowest response from literally anyone
niggers and women getting fucking destroyed BASED
*group I don't like aren't people*
you sound like a literal nazi
people don't exist anymore
>niggers are monkeys
>whites are supremacists
>chinks are insectorids
>brows are mudslimes
>latinos are walking trash
>trannies are things
missing a lot of categories but you get my point
>x group of people are not people!
ok hitler
Is this the nigger who spams BMAF in every asian thread?
probably, he despises asian women for not fucking him
He looks like Gennady Golovkin
whoever the fuck any of these characters and their models date sure won't be (You). You are not a white chad, you're not a asian chad, you're not a black chad, you're not a brown chad. You are a incel who feels insecure at seeing """"""his"""""""""""""""" women dating men from other races. You are a shame to your family lmao.
thats amazing when you consider hes never taken a punch lol. his face is just shaped like a blunt trauma victim
Then what the fuck does he like? Black women are mostly uggo with the occasional beauty. Goddamn he's pathetic