>literally the sneaking suit from MGS1 but reimagined as super faggoty body armor that totally speaks "gay sex" especially with the fucking cock on the back
What did Kojima mean by this?
Literally the sneaking suit from MGS1 but reimagined as super faggoty body armor that totally speaks "gay sex"...
Just admit you're gay fap to it and get over it already
i masturbated to it
just say it's bara lol
this is the gayest post about mgs I have ever seen
It honestly is an uglier, more overdone version of the MGS1 suit.
But then again Kojima is known for having no taste, he prefers BB to Solid Snake after all.
tell me more about how it "totally speaks 'gay sex' especially with the fucking cock on the back" to you user? Do you see cocks on video game characters often?
Literally everyone pointed out the cock when it was first revealed
You're gay.
The fact that you had these thoughts so intensely that you were compelled to make this threads means that you have some serious gay feelings inside of you.
OP is literally a faggot
It does look like he has a penis on his back. This has been known for years.
No it wasn't. You're in the closet.
did your dad molest you is that why you're gay?
yeah daddy raped me really good
shit was cash
arch.b4k.co/v/ exists
Holy hell, where does the time go?
Fuck off you guys, you are literally the same people that assume that some men want to be women because they play as a girl character
why you seeing dick in mens backs
dude thats kinda gay
so you've been saving screenshots of this game and its "cock" suit for 5 years all the while making threads bitching about it?
literally obsessed
stop making this thread you fucking fag
>Smash threads spamming the board 24/7
>meh autism I guess. Uhm, fuck jannies or something
>Thread about a guy complaining about a cock once a day
i really need to start making some things that will last the years
i never "got" trades up till mid 20's
always thought it was just chipp
not only having pride but confidence in your abilities and knowing your shit
never got why people would build a stone wall till i had more input into tthe plan and process, normally just being told where to not walk, once you put into a project the outcome is way more rewarding
if you're just spinning wheels doing the same tihngs its not grand, but i suppose if a little bit of someything is on the line you commit more you know?
What did Anonymous mean by this?
You're gay. Just deal with it man
Fuck off
Dude. You're gay.
What are those things in the thighs? Some kind of device?
No. You're not discussing the goddamn topic so that you can call me gay for no reason.
>it's t-totally the sneaking suit being gay, not me
it's 2020 OP you don't have to hide your weird sexuality anymore
I can't not see a cock now.
Bibo is soldier sexual. Homo-Sans-Cloitus
This is the most gayest thread I ever read on the board