
Okat this game is fun but fuck me I can't figure out how to automate with the assembly machines. Everytime I put a turner it doesn't wanna work plus my output is so fucking slow I'm able to produce a lot. Maybe I'm retarded but what do I do

also Factorio thread

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I really do wonder what the developers for this game do all day?
They don't seem to make much progress.

You need another inserter to take things out of your assembly machine.

Another inserter

I seriously don't think I have the autism required to play this game.

They fix bugs and autistically optimize the game so it can run on toasters.

Same. I can play spacechem by hacking until it works but I can't employ the same strategy in factorio, there's too much commitment involved.

Play the campaign, nigga

Attached: fact0.jpg (1615x917, 320.76K)

It's one of the least buggy games I've played.
But, seriously, it's like "UPDATE 18!!!!"

Added new sprite for water pumps

That's all for this update, see you next year folks.

I am though

Their dev blog is regularly updated and is a joy to read, desu yo

It's too autistics

It's fun

What is it


Yup. I love autism simulators. This and Anno 1800 are probably my two favorite games. And what's more, I play games like Space Engineers and Ark solo just so I can make assembly lines and build bases over dozens of hours.

Bump pls

Are you OP? Because your question's been answered like three times already.

look at a magazine and see how much time it takes to make one
and then do the maths on how many factories it will take to produce at that rate
and then look at how much raw material you'll need to keep those factories running
jesus christ did you finish highschool?

But the I'm confused how to get the ratio right plus I still can't get an inserter to effectively work with the assembly machine

I told you I'm being retarded

Sell me on Anno 1800. Is it comfy? Lots of replay value?

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and try one last time. You need a second inserter to take the shit out of the assembly machine.

Given 99% of people will just look it up on the wiki, or some sort of guide, I don't know why they don't just tell you in game, desu.


Attached: 1519376113150.jpg (1604x1214, 185.62K)

When is the lazy dev going to add new content?

Yeah, you can make it pretty comfy by turning the enemies down, but I keep them on medium at least so I still have an incentive to build warships and make my assembly line more complicated. Still getting DLC right now. Africa is coming in a few months.

The replay value is based entirely on your level of autism and how much you want to optimize everything. You could build one city for a couple hundred hours until you're maxed out on everything, or you could keep restarting and getting everything perfect at the beginning. I recommend going in blind at first to get a bit more value out of it so your first city is you kind of struggling to fit it in and rebuild your city around it every time you unlock a new need while your second one, you know enough to plan and leave more space and make it more optimized from the beginning.

How does this work without your belt getting flooded with garbage?

play with mods

moar belts

Attached: fact1.png (1142x886, 2.09M)

It doesn't, it's made to annoy you
But if I had to do it, it would probably end up in some storage and gets sorted with bots from there

The belts are being scanned which helps prevent it from being completely filled I think. But really, you need more belts like this


Attached: 1548273362623.png (661x416, 499.53K)

You use an inserter to put things in the machine. You use an inserter to take things out the machine so it doesn't back up. If it's too slow, that should maybe be your cue to build another machine or ten. Trying to build exact ratios is good in places, but doing it this early is unmitigated autism: just overbuild.

It's very similar to your nighttime activities, OP: you insert in the asshole, you deinsert from the asshole, repeat. You can't just keep shoving things in without eventually needing to shit. And it's all more fun if you get some other gay bros to do it with you. Once you're more advanced, you can do chains of assemblers for more complex products, which in this metaphor would be the penis.

Why is this game $30? Do they want me to pirate it?

Despite having 410 hours in this game I never got to t3 science packs. I really, really wanted to like it but after a certain point I realized I'd just be copy pasting the same blueprints over and over again for eternity and it sucked all the fun out of the game.

baka desu senpai

There have been no good mods made in the past few years