>no fov option
>locked to 16:9
Thats a yikes from me
>no fov option
>locked to 16:9
Thats a yikes from me
Other urls found in this thread:
>No controller support
lmao senpai keep that shit game
Valorant is a Chinese malware that uses Root Kit/Admin permissions to run the game in a file called VGK.SYS, it's a driver that requires you to restart your computer after installing the game.
>B-But those are just measures to stop hackers!
It already has hackers, It doesn't stop them. It allows Tencent to monitor you.
Tencent has a history of having backdoors into multiple products that allow them to monitor you.
>no info on what forum this is
>no source
>redditard bought a forum
>made an account, made 9 dummy posts and then screencapped his own post on an empty forum pretending to be conspiring
Your social score has increased by 1!
Sweet now I can't get a loan for my new flat. How do I delete posts?
cucked chinese bootleg of a game
>mad because he didn't get a key
>No anti-cheat uninstall option
>Locked to ring 0
>play a counter strike clone with a controller
genuinely sub-sub-human behavior
Yet the blatant spyware isn't?
>falling for the hacker forum shitpost
>anti-cheat needs kernel access
>scans all open processes regardless if you run the game or not
clearly its not working as hacks are being showcased on youtube.
clearly riot doesn't need it running at the kernel level
so why does it need kernel access?
because all the shitter hackers that get stopped by it
no point in letting all the hackers in just because 1 got in lmao
go back to cheater-strike schizo
i don't want your fake shit, chang.
Overwatch cartoony art style makes me angry.
fuck off zhang, nobody wants to play your shitty ripoff chinese botnet
go eat some bats or something
yeah cheaters don't want to play it because their cheat constantly gets btfo lmao
lmao, garbage anti-cheat
face it, it only exists to give tencent and by proxy the chinese state, access to your computer
>cheaters doing a psyop because the anticheat is garbage
hahaha stay mad
you won't cheat in this game thirdworlder
It’s not locked to 16:9...? I was playing it at 4:3.
>it's a psyop!!!!
how much you getting paid? or is this one of those things you do for the glory of the state?
But he’s right. They literally are.
literally said by cheat creators themselves
>t. some random internet forum poster
wow, sure convinced me, nigger
>I-It's the cheaters, I swear
I have never seen a bigger cope in my entire life, lmao.
If you have anything associated with chinks on your pc - you are a degenerate.
literally a cheat coder yes
now go the fuck back to whatever game you crawled from, we don't want you. stay mad and in poverty you absolute thirdworlder shitter
This is what you're worried about? Not the fact that the gameplay is 1:1 copy and pasted from a 1999 Half-Life mod with a zoomer coat of paint?
now shut the fuck up about raze you silver shitters
Whatever you say, chang. As long as you fuck off to a game made by faggots and I don't have to deal with Riotniggers, I'm happy.
Lmao this is pathetic
>calling people poverty tier because they won't install chinky spyware on their home pc's for a f2p cs clone
top cope
don't worry I won't play your cheater infested game
100% of your PC is made by gooks
>no 21:9 support
I fucking hate blizzard for doing this MUH COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE
That and a rootkit is a big yikes for me. Glad I never got a beta key
>t. gets a 3 digit salary from selling cheats for cheater-strike
stay mad
Damn, this really brings it all into perspective. Now, who are the anti-Epic shills being paid by? What is their motivation?
So anyone who shits on anti-cheat is a cheater?
>simply allow chingchong.sys to run in Ring 0, what could go wrong?
>It's true. But... T-their intentions!
Hating something and wanting to fuck it up doesn't change the facts you're spouting, retard.
bad enough you chinks infected the planet, I'm not gonna let you infect my pc
hard pass
As an example if you need one, the fact that I hate almost everything about Pokémon Sword and Shield doesn't magically change the fact that they're removed dozens of pieces of content from past game.
It doesn't matter that I'm saying it with the intention to harm the sales because it's fucking true, you mental invalid.
go back
>dev claimed anti-cheat is their core priority
>forces anticheat into a system driver to prevent any cheating attempts
>game gets fully working cheats on day 1 of the beta
Chong, you'd better be going to your apple assembly factory, your chinkland will have a lot of reparations to pay for covid.
>game gets fully working cheats on day 1 of the beta
it may just be that the purpose of a beta is testing
take your meds, schizo
>installs spyware that opens at startup
No thanks, chink.
>he's not even denying anymore
do these cheats still work? I don't think so hahahaha
Yes, because when you click yes to UAC to install a program you are basically granting it rights to fuck you over.
provided we're talking an teechnical beta to suss out bugs and not what the current beta currently is which the game more or less in it's release candidate stages is to stoke the hype fires before launch
It's literally a marketing tactic and cheats are already out
Made by gooks under white man's supervision. They wouldn't be able to insert any rootkits into white man's hardware, because they are too dumb to even copy things properly.
But things entirely made by gooks, oh no no no, too bad if you have any of that.
TFT and LoR betas both fixed a fuckton of backend issues so evidence does not support that
But i am using Linux mint.
they've literally been fucking with hardware for years installing backdoors
the point of an anticheat is not to prevent 100% of cheating you room temperature IQ nigger, but to reduce it by adapting and making it harder for cheat creators to get through
It doesn't matter what ring the program says it will install and have access to. Once you click Yes to UAC the only thing you have is a promise that the program won't install a rootkit.
Okay this thread doesn't apply to you as you can't play Valorant.
luckily I only run these things in VM's
>all these shills going on and on about "MADE BY GAYMERS FOR GAYMERS SO MANY OPTIONS WOW"
>no fov option
if this is true this is an even worse casual game than I figured
>friend is worried about the kernel access
>he's using an Intel CPU
You have some far worse things to worry about buddy
Okay then you have nothing to worry about by installing Valorant.
Yeah, in a case of vac or battleeye, you can expect that, because they don't run on system level.
When you have a system driver anti-cheat, you would expect it to prevent messing with your game, especially on day 1.
ruckiry I onry use xiaomi processors ^_^
>what is vn
but it doesn't work cuz riot are fucking niggers
103 fov is more than enough
WTF is going on with this shit? help plz.
I've been watching Valorant streams for 3 days now and haven't seen any cheater so far, any clips?