Normalfags say they prefer FF7R to the original

>normalfags say they prefer FF7R to the original

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i don't. What does that make me?

Chad and aryan.

Is FF7R a good place to start if I've never played a FF game before?

You will literally have no idea what's going on. Characters like Sephiroth are deeply implied you already have some knowledge of. Play the original. You can mod it to death on PC and make it look sleek if it's the graphics holding you back.

Yeah I mean it easily surpasses the original in literally every single way.

Final Fantasy is remembered for the first 10 games of the series. After the first 10 games, the series takes a major departure and every game after that is Square experimenting with story telling and combat techniques to try and make a game that will sell well in Japan and the US.

Final Fantasy VII original is in my opinion the best place to start with the series. It’s basically the culmination of 4-6 with a very refined battle system, a vast and interesting world, lots of secret spells and weapons to obtain, and arguably one of the best stories and lore in video games.


I want them to add some of the more retarded elements of the compilation like the DoC characters to the latter entries of the remake to see people really get mad.

Attached: Shelke.png (981x2600, 1.85M)

This but unironically.


If I’m a zoomer and I never played the original FF7 what’s the best port to play it on in current day? PC port? With mods or something?

>dat push up bra titty armor

>he's mad because it's true

>Final Fantasy is remembered for the first 10 games of the series
Essentially, before Square's merger with Enix.

>implying I don't hate both
It's hard having taste sometimes

pc port or just emulate the ps1 original, it doesn't make a difference at all really

Does it matter what literally who enjoys?

What the fuck happened there? Enix had some good roleplaying games, Square had some good roleplaying games. Somehow both of those together should have made good, if not great roleplaying games.

Instead they literally did not manage to make anything that's even as good as the stuff they used to make individually.

No because it isn't a complete game yet. From what I've seen, it seems like it may be worth the money, but at the same time, why buy even a feature rich incomplete game over a feature rich complete game, especially when FF7 original is, at most, 16$ vs 60$ for FF7R. It just doesn't make much sense.

PC port has mods but is a bit shit. Honestly the mobile port that found its way to the PS4 and Switch is better out the box just by having a fast forward.

lmao who plays games made before 2015 lol

Your entire generation is a mistake.

Because they were competing with each other to make better games. As soon as they stopped competing, they lost their edge. Also too many executives with big egos will destroy projects

Retarded management and a tendency for nepotism that prevents new blood from showing up.

at this point is at the same level of REmake 2 and REmake 3. It takes part of the original game but tell a different story with a similar ending.

This is the world we chose, user.

Most of them probably never played it. FF7 is one of those games tons of people pretend to be fans of but never actually played.

Fuck zoomers, the original is soul incarnate.

Well good luck playing episode one of your new game and having to wait 2+ years for the next one.

that single pic has more soul than all of FF7R


>they literally did not manage to make anything that's even as good as the stuff they used to make individually
Square's stuff isn't as good, but Enix's stuff, such as Dragon Quest, is just as good as it was before, if not better.

No lmao. Literally spoils the entire game