Can't argue with that

can't argue with that

Attached: thighs.png (676x756, 508.67K)

explain fat people then, chinaman

of course you can't, you're not even a doctor

I mean, Ryza's $42 on Switch at the moment, Should I get it?

But I'm a doctor, can you prove otherwise?
Though so

What are some games with thick thighs?

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its free on thepiratebay

>believing chinks

Thick thighs are great and everything but does it say anything about butts?

This. I've seen enough webms of chinks randomly driving off the road and killing people to know they can't be trusted.

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Why the fuck would anyone trust a Chinese doctor, especially now?

Because I like what they're saying. I'll choose to believe it simply because I want to believe it, regardless of how unreliable the source is.

post a site with cringier articles than Sankaku Complex, i dare you

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>fat people have less health problems

Yeah sure in bizarro world.


I keep forgetting there's more to that website then the booru. Probably for the best.

>The Chinese Health Organization
This is objectively true. China dumps a lot of money into WHO so there are multiple interviews with WHO officials refusing to say anything that may upset their chink overlords.

beep beep
BBW truck coming through

Attached: The Thiccest Ryza.webm (640x360, 2.52M)

>Bigger thighs
>Less cardiovascular problems
This is why Chinese doctors are a laughingstock of modern medicine. Fat weighs quite a bit. It pulls down on the body like wearing wet clothes. Which is tremendously bad for your heart.

>Literally any mainstream newsite

That's just gross, man.

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There's a big difference between thick thighs and and fat mutt ass. Especially if we're talking thick by Chinese standards.

Are they the same researchers that failed to observe proper safety procedures while developing their bioweapon?
Because if so I don't know if I can trust their judgment.

It's fucking weird there, checked the comments section of one of the articles and it was like I was at Yas Forums. Last thing I expected from a website that I just use for jerking off.

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Dam, I didn't realise the Japanese deputy pm was so based.


>Trusting the chinks

Okay, Chang.

based, China numba wan indeed

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>be bikefag
>can't find pants that fit my thighs
It's finally my time!

Attached: 1556818174920.webm (1280x720, 451.77K)

>trusting burgers
Ok, John.

Best Sakura clone

also remember that chinese medical researches claimed that Corona couldn't get out of China and contaminate the world.