Your dad died? Boo fucking hoo. Man up, faggot

>Your dad died? Boo fucking hoo. Man up, faggot.

Why is Edelgard such a fucking bitch?

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She cute

>kills your dad
>simps still defend her
are edeltards capable of critical thinking? Do they not even realize shes not even the best girl in the game?

Oh right, they only play one route

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Marianne is best

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Because she's right/

Autism, but unironically.

>It's a "boarfags seethe at a FE character with real moral complexity instead of their usual shonen anime black-and-white morality" episode
>it's a repeat

I was watching some youtube channel about writing, characters and dialogue in general and he was talking about writing relatable characters, then all the sudden he FUCKING MENTIONS EDELGARDE in his example of relatable.
Edel fucking Garde.

You want moral ambiguity in Fire Emblem? Guess we have to go back 20 years in the past and met Emperor Arvis .

If you're a schizophrenic maniac maybe your u can relate to her.

Good luck dealing with unemployment and poverty after few generations, bitch

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>edeltrol thread
>starts off with literal lies for quotes

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My thougths exactly.

Edelgard did nothing wrong.

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Bros, she's so cute. Why aren't real aristocratic girls this cute?

>calls me boarfag
>when im clearly a deerfag
then again, i dont expect eaglefags to comprehend my posts when they can't even comprehend morality

>Bernie leaves her room to pay her respects to your dad
What a good girl.

when did she kill your dad?

what's with all that talk about killing someone's dad?

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Those who slither in the dark, at that point, are working under/with Edelgarde. She's responsible for her minions, like Kronya.

Can't wait for the NTR comic.

>implying those who slither don't act on their own
>implying edelgard had full control over them


>Those who slither in the dark, at that point, are working under/with Edelgarde. She's responsible for her minions, like Kronya.
You obviously didn't understand her route at all. She has a tenuous alliance with TwSinD which they both plan to break as soon as the Church is gone. They're an enemy of her enemy, not her friend.

Hubert's paralogue and the postgame both explicitly tell you this, and she actively kills one of their higher ranking members when she attacks the magical city near the end of her route, with the implication that this was the real reason she attacked the city at all.

Edelgard was still Monica's "in" into the Academy, which is what enabled her to strike in the first place.

and somehow that means that edelgard has killed your father.
Did you hurt your back with that reach?

>the ntr comic


>You obviously didn't understand her route at all
more like didn't play at all.
Those fags play their EDELGARD BAD-Route and scream autism whenever someone mentions the reason behind it

>They're an enemy of her enemy, not her friend.
This is kind of retarded when the Church are in fact the enemy of her enemy, -and- her friend.
Until Edelgard crossed all the lines at the call and command of her enemies that is.

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Because she's the villain of the game.

Dimitri is a good boy who should've stayed Punished

In real life she would have been convicted as an accomplice to murder. She is hardly innocent here.

I never said she was innocent, but outright stating she killed your father is just as ridiculous

Fire Emblem is a crapsack dystopia with a lot of enemies, and Edlegard is killing them one by one in order of strength.

If she had killed Those who slither in the dark first, she would have never been able to stop the church.

>doesnt give you kids
Yeah Shamir for me

she let in the people who did kill byleth's father, she held the door open for them, sure she didn't kill him directly, but you can't say she isn't 100% guilt free here.

if i gave you a gun, and you used it to kill the person in the next room, do i not hold some responsibility for that death?

some big HONKers

>I never said she was innocent
>but you can't say she isn't 100% guilt free here