Wtf bros. This just set gaming backwards a decade

Wtf bros. This just set gaming backwards a decade.

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What’s the N word?
Norse Mythology?

He had an epic gamer moment lmao.

Ninjas in da hood bro.

N word as in Nigger. Referring to black people as a racial slur. It's no longer used, except by edgy teenagers and manchildren who forgot to grew up.

Why does gaming cause people to use derogatory words against black people

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Nigger is a feeling


why can't he say it he looks half-black?

Games were better a decade ago

It's blasphemy against American nigger worship religion, that mostly replaced their former religion worshiping eastern foreskin demon. Niggers are as sacred to Americans as cows are to Hindus, and they will use all their influence to destroy you if you dare to utter taboo word.

you need to go back

It honestly has to be Twitch at this point

Kys disgusting nigger.

make me

you dont know for sure the other guy is black
it's just trying out an insult

So scared little white boys like you have to make due spamming it on an anonymous image board instead of ever saying it irl lol.

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If he's only half black he should only say half the word

Imagine trying to explain this to someone from 2010. The fact that shit you say on the internet now can have a real impact on your life.

What the fuck, why would you say the word nigger you disgusting racist fuck?

Looks like it hit a nerve

Nah more like people were shamed into not using it. If a black man acts like a criminal piece of shit hes a nigger. If a gay man acts annoying and flamboyant hes a faggot. So on and so forth. People call white people who act like trash white trash because there is no good word/words for it. Its still okay to call blacks who act like shit niggers behind closed doors if they earned it by acting so.

These same scared little boys are whining on these boards every time one of them gets banned for saying it online in a video game. They all throw a tantrum and act legitimately surprised that it happened to them too for added hilarity.

It was like that back then too zoomer.

>the internet is some how now attached to real life
Glad this shitty brainlet mindset is becoming dispelled
Never understood this
Also this is mostly his fault anyways for being a racist piece of shit and exposing himself live

Looks like some sort of amerimutt creature wouldn't be surprised if he's part nig himself

Considering one of the drivers lost his sponsorship because his dad said nigger before he was even born I'm not surprised at all.


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black people use it a lot
are you calling them manchildren?

He honestly has only himself to blame, we all know how hard these crybabies are cracking down on slurs.

>say slightly offensive word
>whole room blows up like it's the end of the world
When did online gaming become so thin skinned?


My dad says nigger all the time and he's pretty cool.

>Dude everyone is equal lmao
>1000001 ads/articles and hollywood shillings to make gays/niggers/etc seem not only equal but better then whites.

Its not gonna stop. Niggers don't want equality same with feminists. Its why half of them refer to themselves as fucking kings and shit with no god damn proof or reason to.

Nah, I guess think your impotent rage is funny. It must suck to go through life being too much of a bitch to say what you really think because you're afraid of what other people might think of you.

It seems you need to be explained the internet once again grandpa.

So hear me out: what if black people actually are niggers?

Heated gamer moment.

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Those black people who use it? Undoubtably they are but at least their motivation isn't based on racism and edgyness like yours.
He's not as cool as you think he is. You will realize this when you are no longer 12.

you'll make yourself once you realize you dont belong in a place you'll forever hate

>it that hard for some people to not say a word


>their motivation isn't based on racism

>It's no longer used, except by edgy teenagers and manchildren who forgot to grew up.
Remember to kill yourself nigger. Blacks insults whites constantly on the mainstream media and there is no reason to honor any kind of double standard. Fuck media faggots, fuck digital racing events, and fuck niggers.

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Is this cultural appropriation?

when normies started playing in 2011

A nuchos nachos.

imagine losing your career over a word.

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He can use it because he is one.

Based user BTFOing the edgy racists on here. Yas Forums finally matured.


nah, there are plenty of likeminded folk posting here already, familia
whether you like it or not, we are here to stay, and it's only a matter of time before this place is fully colonized.

I'd say we are in the final stages.

"Racist" is natural state of any healthy human being who haven't been successfully conditioned into good little globohomo slave.
Punishment for expressing something like that is a punishment for daring to show that propaganda still does not work on you.

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>being racist isn't some how the most brainlet and shameful mindset

>but at least their motivation isn't based on racism and edgyness like yours.
It's identical you fucking retarded faggot. You're trying to justify why kike media is anti whit while running interference for racism by other races.

oh yeah motorsport still going on

>He's not as cool as you think he is. You will realize this when you are no longer 12.
Yeah I don't know he's pretty fucking cool. He'd probably call you a faggot though.

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Nigger is used by high iq individuals that haven't given in to jewish programming

when it became "public spectacle". too much money invested by companies, can't have bad press. or well bad press like this is good and easy to turn it around. just say we banned this nigger and millions will rejoice and buy your product

a true gamer.

Brazillians hates american niggers.
Niggers loves to seethe over slavery on the us but they were the biggest slave traders.