What's the worst game community you've experienced?

What's the worst game community you've experienced?

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Probably Left 4 Dead 2. Good luck playing random servers with that game.

The Fallout general on /vg/ is also really cancerous. The amount of cynicism and hostility there makes Yas Forums look like a light hearted safe space.

Mordhau is full of cancerous ESL but its not the worst by far
ASSFAGGOTs take that crown.

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I would say gachas but the OP says GAME communities.

rocket league is fucking awful

Nu-WoW (including Classic) and WoW pservers.

Left 4 Dead versus community makes everybody else look like saints in comparison

Either MMOs or MOBA

I tend not to get involved in the kinda games which have shit communities because I'm not really into multiplayer games, so probably Caves of Qud. The niggers ban you from their discord server for using pepe.

Yas Forums


Dead by Daylight

>The niggers ban you from their discord server for using pepe.
Sounds pretty good to me. I wish Yas Forums had that policy along with wojaks.

>invasion on taiga
>usual banter in chat
>furry joins the game and spams paragraphs of furry porn
>everyone encourages him to keep going
honestly gave me a chub

>ban you from their discord server for using pepe
shit that sounds great, got an invite link?

Dota 2

If you haven't played it yet, don't.

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>Destiny 2
>Guy on mic has wife arguing with him
>People tell him to mute his mic
>Try to help the situation by telling his wife to shut the fuck up and let him play
>He gets angry
>He leaves both the game and party
>Friend gets angry and kicks me from the group and raid team
>MFW I got removed from trying to help for once

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>frogposter ban
Picked up.

It's on their subreddit
I don't like feeling like I've gotta pick my words carefully so it's not for me
Just to be clear they'll ban you for doing anything which seems too Yas Forums-like (specifically)

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Any end-game scene in an MMO whether it be PVE/PVP

it's CS:GO but with more autism and less control

>thinking yelling at someone's wife is helping
how autismo are you

>doing anything which seems too Yas Forums-like (specifically)
Like being a loli apologist? Fuck these niggers, pre-order cancelled.

>friend kicks you because someone ELSE ragequits
you either have a really shit friend or this story is filled with half-truths

i was the second guy you replied to

i fucking hate playing dota 2, been cutting myself off lately but god damn the memes are top notch

lol thats me

Those mic arguments were always awkward.
I may have gotten into one as a teen that I can't remember, but I probably muted myself.

>discord using redditor gets banned for frogposting

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Hard to pick between CS 1.6 and sports games in general. CS was always filled with nigger-spamming and Russian aimbotters but sports games have legitimately some of the lowest IQ people of any game

>You trash brah. Breh you trash. You see me bruh? Sheeit brah. Breh brah bro bruh bröh

Based hyper autist

playing Fifa online is shocking, especially in the weekend league ultimate team mode
of actual games I've been told League and Dota are awful but I've never played either

>you've experienced
I really don't get involved in online communities apart from the totally anonymous and, previously, MapleStory pservers, but I looked up Valorant and found out that you have to watch streams of the game to get a beta key. So my answer is whichever communities contain the young ones who let corporations jerk them around like cattle.

I meant to say "HIS" friend.

Making mordbabbies mad playing as a 200iq chivalry chad is fun

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L4D2? People barely communicate in it at all.

The most toxic community would be Yas Forums, easily. People are insanely rude and obnoxious here. But of course, that's not a game community per-se. For a gaming community, I'd have to say it's Overwatch, or Warhammer: Vermintide. I don't doubt that Dota or LoL are even worse, from what I've heard people say, but I've never been there myself.

Toxicity directly affects gameplay experience. If I'm surrounded by toxic people, I'm constantly on edge, raging, angry, and sad. That's not something I want out of what's supposed to be my entertainment and downtime, the activity that's supposed to rejuvenate me. So a toxic community = I'm out in a fucking heartbeat.

Toxicity is probably the single, greatest reason why I, a former hardcore PvP'er and mid-range tier esports player from 15 years ago, have just moved more and more into pure single player games instead. That, and growing old, I suppose. Though growing old does have a two-fold effect. Makes me a shittier player for one, but also makes me more tired of people acting like emotionally stunted children who never got raised right, second.

>The niggers ban you from their discord server for using pepe.
First off: Good.
Second off: >using discord

Nice blog faggot

Nothing is worse than VRChat

Tranny Fantasy XIV

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fucking based



Dead by Daylight by a mile. Worse than any MOBA or MMO I’ve ever played. The game is fun but it actually encourages an “us vs them” mentality of survivormain fags vs killermain fags so you either end up a salty loser or a salty winner every single game. Shit is insufferable

>L4D2? People barely communicate in it at all.
It's clear you haven't actually played it
>make slight mistake
>vote kicked immediately
>don't use a specific infected at a specific chokepoint
>vote kicked immediately
>failed to revive someone?

i second this

I actually had to take a break from that game because i would just get so mad playing it. Even if i was winning.

> my name is penis
> penis big cock

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