Smashfags will defend this

>Smashfags will defend this

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no, they won't

Replace all of those shits with soulful and recognizable cartoony characters and you have the ultimate crossover

I fucking hated byleth when he was revealed for being another FE rep. After playing him, I realized he is one of the most enjoyable characters in the game to play. Went from hating him to maining him.
Love him or hate him, his moveset is good fun without out being broken.

I wouldn't even consider myself a big Fire Emblem fan (I think the series has been on the decline after Radiant Dawn). But seeing the amount of seethe generated by smashfags towards Fire Emblem is fucking hilarious. I was pissing myself laughing when Sakurai announced Byleth and spent about 15 minutes sperging out over the history of the series, knowing how smashfags must have been foaming at the mouth while forcing themselves to watch it.

Smashfags are the only ones that give a shit and the overwhelming majority hate that there are so many anime swordsmen.

Aaah nothing but Nintendo. Dumb Americans keep asking for their third parties, like dumb children

FEchads win again BAY BEE! Watching rosterfags seethe after Byleth and ARMS while they expected Steve, Geno, MAster Chief, Doomguy, etc is one of the greatest things to behold on this board.

Can't wait for Fire Emblem 17 to be announced. We all know the MU is going to be added by sakurai. We just keep winning

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I'll defend Ike for being handsome, at best
Besides he alone was really the only addition the game "needed". the rest of the trash I pay no mind

no only fefags and falseflaggers will defend this.. and they don't play smash bros

rent free

As someone who hates every single one of you smashfags, I hope Alfonse is one of the next characters and I hope the other 5 follow suit. Alas, they'll probably just pick some boring shit that they want to advertise when the time's right.

Marth, Ike, Robin, and Chrom are based.
The rest is trash.

gotta have the blue hair

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>Smashfags ARE defending this

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Why is Chrom more based than Roy?

>Marth, Ike, Robin, Chrom, Roy, Lucina, Corrin, and Byleth are based. The rest are trash
FTFY. FE fighting game when?

Banjo is ok if not extremely boring

never ever

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I'm glad he's in the game and was my most wanted character behind Ridley, but I play him the least out of all the DLC fighters

Absolute least favorite addition outside of Byleth. I even wanted B&K, I just hate the way they play and I don't like the design either. That says a lot considering I've never played Persona or Dragon Quest, and I don't give a shit about KoF. They're all still better.

Who would be top tier, and who would be bottom tier in terms of in-game power level? For me, its Dimitri and Roy respectively

You already posted this thread a few days ago, and no smashfags defended it. Saltfags did, but they can’t be helped.

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I think the biggest form of asshurt is making a bingo card because Byleth hurt your roster dreams.

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Marianne is best

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>no response other than le epik salt XD
Point proven. Also I didn’t make it, some other autist did shortly after Byketh was added and it’s been circling ever since.

Not everyone has to care for banjo

Hello based department?
Literally seething

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>point proven
And guess who isnt leaving smash? BYLETH.


I said I wanted him the most behind Ridley and that means I'm seething that Steve isn't in?

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>being this mad over a children's fighting game character being in the game instead of the literal who you wanted

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Nigga we are having thread every day now. I get it that there are a lot but come on.

Point proven. Check the bingo card. I can read any low IQ Bylethfag/saltfag because of how predictable your responses will be.

If they were really going to add Byleth, did they have to make him such a disappointment? His trailer wasn't funny or interesting, his moves are okay, Garreg Mach is so painfully flat and boring, and they didn't even add God Shattering Star into the game.

Stay mad faggot

I said I wanted B&K you dumb faggot. I just didn't like how they turned out.