Monster hunter

Why siege monsters are so unfun?

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A nigga finna boutta hunt an inflatable dragon. Anyone wanna come? (PC)
No overpowered fags.

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Because they suck.

i like them

>easy peasy pushovers
>must farm them 100 times
Geez I wonder why they're so boring.
Put some real challenge in the game, thanks.
>tfw MH will never have monsters like these

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Kulve siege was unfun because pursuit was badly done mechanic and it's nigh impossible to get p1 with randos. Safi siege is unfun because safi is flaming garbage, the time limit is fucking retarded and payoffs are terrible even at 17

back to your containment general with your unrelated dead shit MMO frontiercuck

>implying MMO MH wouldn't be the best game of all time

it wouldn't

Why not

Legitimately just add all the weapons from Frontier and just World-efy/Gu-efy them and I’m good

Because MMOs are garbage

too bad, you already are

I was talking about the monster/challenge, not the MMO concept you braindead mongoloid

Should I just avoid LS if I'm playing online? Seems pretty important to have aggro to get to red quickly. And there's always some faggot whining about LS users

That looks terrible on the exact opposite end of the spectrum World is on, as opposed to having a billion staggers and openings out the ass the zinogre derived abomination doesn't even so much as flinch after getting hit many times with a fucking greatsword. This resulted in the guy waiting for the same 2 openings over and over in an excruciatingly boring fight. That was painful to watch.

>t. guy who gets filtered by Rajang

Most of the online players are LS users. Just run Flinch Free lvl 1 like everyone else and don't worry about it. Only people I've ever seen not running it were LBG or HBG who shouldn't be near LS to begin with.

Because they slam you to the ground. Over and over and over and over and over and over again.

I'm really having trouble sticking with a weapon. Ranged doesn't interest me at all. GS and LS got stale rather quickly. SnS feels too stubby. CB has too much management. Not a fan of hammers. IG is gay. Gonna try Switch Axe and hope something clicks

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I did not. World Rajang is fine and had plenty of openings that the fucktard AOE spam zinogre in your video didn't.

I bet you just blame the weapon every time you cart and drop it instead of getting good

what the fuck is this shit, absolutely horrible

No, this game really isn't that hard(yet). I just want to find something for me

It's hard to imagine that someone can find playstyle LS stale.

more like coal mining simulator, am i right lads

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>mash R2
>foresight slash

seems like I was right

Coal mining is the only thing grinding lands has been good for since they introduced the ruiner nerg event

Ok retard

I kinda like safi, he's not hard, but you'll cart if you're careless and you're done with him in like 30 minutes total.
Do him a coupe of times and you can max a weapon.

I am not the one who can't read tooltips you fucking mongoloid

>what is augmenting your shit
>what is crafting gear


i still need random shit for augments but yeah i'm barely fighting shit when i'm in there

>watch youtube videos of other people playing to get an idea of what moves to use on a weapon
>decide to try out switch axe
>anything that isn't TAutism is just mashing the fuck out of ZSD with grugsteady/temporal mantle
And they say HBG is braindead.

Because the game isn't balanced for 4-player hunts.

Kulve > Safi